Page 114 - ALMExperts 2025 Southwestern Directory
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Sex Discrimination                                            ALM EXPERTS: Southwestern Edition 2025

           SEX DISCRIMINATION               SEXUAL HARASSMENT                   SIDEWALKS/OTHER
                                                                               WALKING SURFACES
        George S. Glass, MD               Accredited Psychiatry & Medicine
         Houston, TX                       Harold J. Bursztajn, M.D.       Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,
         Phone: (713) 666-9811             Cambridge, MA                   MBA, CFEI, CFII
         E-mail: gdoc123@aol .com          Phone: (617) 492-8366
                                           E-mail: hbursztajn@hms .harvard .edu  President & CEO
        (Please see our resume on page 188 for further                       Real-World Forensic Engineering,
        details.)                         (Please see our resume on page 184 for further   LLC
                                          details.)                          Lubbock, TX
        Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA                                           Phone: (806) 368-9811
         Professor (Emeritus) of Human    George S. Glass, MD                E-mail: info@expertengineering .com
         Resource Management               Houston, TX
         at prestigious California         Phone: (713) 666-9811           (Please see our resume on page 176 for further
         university                        E-mail: gdoc123@aol .com
         Fullerton, CA                    (Please see our resume on page 188 for further
         Phone: (714) 879-9705            details.)                           SIGNATURE DISPUTES
         Cell: (714) 595-1891
         E-mail: bkleinerphdmba@gmail .com,   Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA
         bkleiner@fullerton .edu
                                           Professor (Emeritus) of Human   Patricia J. Hale
        (Please see our complete listing under the   Resource Management     Expert Document
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   at prestigious California   Examiner /
                                           university                        Handwriting Expert
                                           Fullerton, CA                     Forensic Forgery
        Alissa Sherry, Ph.D., ABPP         Phone: (714) 879-9705
         Munevar Sherry, PLLC              Cell: (714) 595-1891              Experts
         Austin, TX                        E-mail: bkleinerphdmba@gmail .com,   Offices in Cleveland, OH and at Lake Texoma,
         Phone: (512) 695-9878             bkleiner@fullerton .edu           TX
         E-mail: asherry@munevarsherry .com                                  Phone: (216) 302-4155
                                          (Please see our complete listing under the   E-mail: info@forensicforgerexperts .com
        (Please see our resume on page 190 for further   following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Web: http://www .forensicforgerexperts .com
        details.)                         Employment)
                                                                             Profile: Patricia J. Hale is a Certified /
                                          Alissa Sherry, Ph.D., ABPP         Qualified Forensic Document Examiner /
                                                                             Handwriting Expert who has been accepted as
             SEX ORIENTATION               Munevar Sherry, PLLC              an Expert in Courts across the United States
              DISCRIMINATION               Austin, TX                        of America .  She has rendered opinions on
                                           Phone: (512) 695-9878             cases in the U .S .A ., Canada, Mexico and the
                                           E-mail: asherry@munevarsherry .com  Bahamas .  Her studies and experience of 10
        Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA                                           years includes the examination of signatures,
                                                                             handwriting, and various documents to
         Professor (Emeritus) of Human    (Please see our resume on page 190 for further   authenticate originality or determine a forgery
         Resource Management                                                 or if a document has been altered .  Forensic
         at prestigious California                                           Forgery Experts is headquartered at Lake
         university                                SHOOTING                  Texoma in Texas and in Cleveland, OH and
                                                                             provides service to all 50 States and territories
         Fullerton, CA                        RECONSTRUCTION                 of the U .S .A ., Canada and the Bahamas as
         Phone: (714) 879-9705                                               well as other countries .
         Cell: (714) 595-1891
         E-mail: bkleinerphdmba@gmail .com,   Steven Howard                  During the past 10 years, she has examined
         bkleiner@fullerton .edu                                             over 2,500 cases and has prepared over 128
                                           Steve “The Gun Guru” Howard       Cases for Courts and Depositions .  After
        (Please see our complete listing under the   American Firearms and Munitions   examining your documents, if her expert
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Consulting         findings meet your needs, a Notarized Expert
        Employment)                        Okemos, MI                        Opinion Letter may be ordered .  Many times,
                                           Phone: (517) 374-9000             having this information will aid in settling a
        Alissa Sherry, Ph.D., ABPP         E-mail: stevethegunguru@gmail .com  case out of court or the opposition may drop
         Munevar Sherry, PLLC                                                the case completely .  In the event your case
         Austin, TX                       (Please see our complete listing under the   goes to court, Ms . Hale is available to offer
                                                                             deposition and/or appear in court and provide
         Phone: (512) 695-9878            following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   testimony with supporting details about the
         E-mail: asherry@munevarsherry .com  Firearms)
                                                                             document and/or signature in question with
                                                                             her professional opinion either in person or
        (Please see our resume on page 190 for further                       remotely via zoom, etc . . .  Call for a FREE
        details.)                                 SIDE IMPACT                initial phone consultation:  216-302-4155 or
                                                                             Email: info@forensicforgeryexperts .com”
                                          Inside The Box
                                           Spring, TX
                                           Phone: (979) 269-3282
                                           E-mail: data@inside-the-box .com
                                          (Please see our resume on page 163 for further

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