New York Law Journal

Businesses That Exploit and Lie to Customers Should Be Terrified

While $50 may have been an effective deterrent in 1970, the “forty-fold increase” of which the author warns would bring the penalty to $2,000—reasonable and effective by modern standards.
2 minute read

New York Law Journal

Why Does the House Intel Committee Want To 'Kill the Lawyers'?

Chairman Schiff, presumably with the support of the House Intelligence Committee, has frankly gone way over the top.
7 minute read

New York Law Journal

How To Protect Free Speech in a Social Media Age

When my Instagram post was taken down, flagged for violating Instagram's “community norms” I was surprised. The post, outlining a racist incident at my school did not have any seemingly objectionable content. Furthermore, I, internet savvy Gen-Zer that I am, was shocked that Instagram, a platform with over one billion users that outwardly functions in many ways as a public forum, was able to censor speech in the first place.
5 minute read

New York Law Journal

As Federal Courts Become More Hostile to LGBT Rights, Equality Act Passage Is Urgent

One of the three cases that will be reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court is a New York case where the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled in favor of the estate of the late Donald Zarda, a skydiving instructor who was fired because he was gay.
3 minute read

New York Law Journal

NY's Legislature Should Fix Runaway Consumer Class Action Damages—Not Make Them Worse

The New York Legislature is now considering a bill, A.679/S.2407, that would make major changes to the state's chief consumer-protection statute, General Business Law §349. One change in particular should terrify all companies that do business in the state.
11 minute read

New York Law Journal

Raising the Bar

By raising the bar for associate training and experience we can all raise the bar of great litigators in the next generation—lawyers we will be proud to call colleagues and partners.
8 minute read

New York Law Journal

New York's Broken Parole Process: We Can Learn From Louisiana

Fundamental changes to the process by which New York parole applications are decided are desperately needed, and protestations that they cannot be made are wrong.
6 minute read

New York Law Journal

The Child-Parent Security Act: Granting New Yorkers the Right to Benefit From Assisted Reproductive Technology

The CPSA would finally allow New Yorkers the opportunity to exercise the same reproductive rights and family building opportunities that are endowed to the citizens of 48 other states.
12 minute read

New York Law Journal

I Found the Zeal

In furtherance of reducing the high rate of mental and physical health problems experienced by lawyers, the standards of representing children needs to fall in line with the New York Rules of Professional Responsibility by removing the requirement of zealous advocacy and standardizing the question of competency.
5 minute read

New York Law Journal

Guilty Pleas: Seeking Just Outcomes

The hope is that the landmark criminal justice reform, significant state funding for public defense, and expanded training programs for the criminal defense bar will result in more fair and just guilty pleas.
6 minute read


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