New York Law Journal

Take Pride in What You Wear to Court

Open-toed shoes, sneakers, baseball caps, unbuttoned collars, loose ties and/or wrinkled clothes have no place in court.
2 minute read

New York Law Journal

In Defense of Lawyers Taking Notes

Think of it this way. When you visit your physician, don't you want your doctor taking contemporaneous notes about your blood pressure, your heart rate, etc.? Or do you want him relying on his memory for what his findings were last visit or how they will compare to next time?
7 minute read

New York Law Journal

NY Law Journal Accused of Political Bias

It is not your job to opine on the merits of politics, and I view your assumption of such a mantle as a gross usurpation of authority.
2 minute read

New York Law Journal

How Policymakers Can Combat New York's Construction Safety Crisis

These protections are already making a difference. A report published earlier this year found that fatal constructions incidents in New York City have declined 23% over the last five years while increasing by 39% across the rest of the state in the same timeframe.
4 minute read

New York Law Journal

Zealous Representation and Civility Can Exist Together

I asked them which one of them would like their surgeon to do only an adequate job; which automobile mechanic should do “only an adequate job” repairing their car?
2 minute read

New York Law Journal

Robert Tembeckjian Decries 'Dark and Pessimistic State of Affairs'

It has now become a daily routine of the 45th president to denigrate the devoted men and women of our civic institutions: a respected court is derided as “disgraceful” for disagreeing with him, an honorable public servant is disparaged for directing a “witch hunt,” a dignified United States senator is ridiculed for having become a prisoner of war.
6 minute read

New York Law Journal

How Sandra Day O'Connor Became the First Woman Supreme Court Justice

Evan Thomas has written what should prove to be the seminal biography of Sandra Day O'Connor, a trailblazer who wielded tremendous power on the court as the master of the elusive middle ground.
7 minute read

New York Law Journal

Release of Mueller Report Should End the Second-Guessing About Criminality

The narrative reflects a psycho-drama worthy of a Grade B movie were the stakes not about the operation of the Oval Office and the governance of the nation.
6 minute read

New York Law Journal

Does NY's Legal System Provide Justice to Sexual Assault Survivors?

When recalling a traumatic event a survivor may respond in unexpected ways. They may have a flat affect, tell their story in non-chronological order, and yes, they may even experience uncontrollable laughter. These are completely common reactions to recalling trauma.
5 minute read

New York Law Journal

Lawyers, Judges and Creative Sentencing

“General deterrence”—the goal of deterring the criminal conduct of others—is a key component of sentencing. That is, a sentence not necessarily (or at least only) designed to deter you, but to deter the community at large.
6 minute read


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