Ari Kaplan

Ari Kaplan

March 15, 2006 | National Law Journal

Recommind's MindServer Legal: Google for Law Firms?

Law firms are realizing that internal search systems are invaluable practice tools for saving time, enhancing work quality and even helping to raise the bottom line. Our columnist, attorney Ari Kaplan, says MindServer Legal is a welcome player in a field that includes names familiar to many law firm CIOs, like Autonomy Corp., DolphinSearch Inc. and Thompson Elite. Kaplan took a good look at the product at the recent LegalTech show in New York, and he liked what he saw.

By Ari Kaplan

5 minute read

February 16, 2005 | Legaltech News

Is a Picture Worth a Thousand New Clients?

People say a picture is worth a thousand words. Stratify Inc. is hoping that it's worth a few new clients as well. To that end, the electronic discovery software firm launched its next-generation suite -- Stratify Legal Discovery 5.0 -- at the recent LegalTech 2005 show in New York. Its highest-profile enhancement is the Visual Email Analytics feature, which enables users to generate visual e-mail maps of large, complex document collections.

By Ari Kaplan

3 minute read

September 10, 2010 |

Exhibit Emotional Intelligence at Law School This Fall

As law students begin returning to school, they should concentrate not only on how to practice law, but also on what ultimately contributes to a thriving legal career, notes consultant Ari Kaplan. He discusses some things that law students can do to help demonstrate their emotional intelligence.

By Ari Kaplan

5 minute read

October 01, 2006 | Legaltech News

The Damaged Heart

Tasteful, sophisticated graphics help explain medical history.

By Ari Kaplan

6 minute read

October 15, 2008 | Texas Lawyer

How to Get Noticed by Potential Employers

In a rocky economy, it's even more important for job hunters to stand out from the crowd. Some tips for law students are relevant to new associates who find themselves facing an uncertain future.

By Ari Kaplan

5 minute read

February 21, 2006 |

Resolving Disputes in the Digital Age

Mediator Alex Yaroslavsky has added brainstorming software from GroupSystems to his New York City practice. The program was designed to enable individuals in meetings to contribute ideas simultaneously and anonymously, but Yaroslavsky hopes lawyers will accept it as a dispute-resolution tool. "It can accelerate the negotiation process, enhance settlement conferences, support contract disputes and even assist in administrative decision-making," he says.

By Ari Kaplan

4 minute read

July 03, 2006 |

Contact High

A MySpace-type program gives lawyers burned out on e-mail a way to work on their social networking efforts.

By Ari Kaplan

5 minute read

July 14, 2003 | National Law Journal

Matching up by Internet

If you think getting clients is hard, try finding a lawyer.

By Ari Kaplan

8 minute read

April 23, 2007 |

Legal Thinkers Clash in Debate on U.S. Surveillance

Better more domestic surveillance than another Sept. 11-type attack on U.S. soil? That was the question in a lively, sold-out debate at the Asia Society's New York headquarters Wednesday night. Six panelists -- including New York Times best-selling author David Frum and ACLU President Nadine Strossen -- squared off over questions such as war's influence on the need for surveillance and technology's role in balancing privacy and security.

By Ari Kaplan

6 minute read

October 01, 2008 | The American Lawyer

Careers: Get Noticed

In a rocky economy, it's even more important for job hunters to stand out from the crowd.

By Ari Kaplan

5 minute read