Ari Kaplan

Ari Kaplan

October 02, 2006 | New Jersey Law Journal

Stand Out From the Crowd

Across the country, advertising rules continue to evolve, so pinpointing how to best spend your marketing dollars can be challenging.

By Ari Kaplan

8 minute read

June 14, 2007 |

A Data Discovery Department?

The need for e-discovery processes and support to handle them cannot be disputed. Where the tension might arise is in more corporate counsel taking control of the e-discovery process as law firms continue staffing up for e-discovery.

By Ari Kaplan

7 minute read

November 14, 2002 |

A New Generation of Redacting Tools

It used to be that to redact a document, you took a black marker or white tape and, voil�, problem solved. In today's digital age, however, redaction is a critical feature of document management. Failure to redact documents properly is not just a first-year associate's nightmare, it's a potential crime and a malpractice mess. Here's a look at some tools to help you hide what shouldn't be seen.

By Ari Kaplan

6 minute read

August 29, 2006 | Legaltech News

Tracking Mechanisms a Key to Securing Compliance

Tracking business practices with software helps management meet compliance rules -- but with whose rules is your company complying? The Sarbanes-Oxley Act may not answer all of your questions. While "compliance" may be vague, commentator Ari Kaplan says, tracking mechanisms can help manage it.

By Ari Kaplan

5 minute read

February 21, 2006 | Legaltech News

Resolving Disputes in the Digital Age

Mediator Alex Yaroslavsky has added brainstorming software from GroupSystems to his New York City practice. The program was designed to enable individuals in meetings to contribute ideas simultaneously and anonymously, but Yaroslavsky hopes lawyers will accept it as a dispute-resolution tool. "It can accelerate the negotiation process, enhance settlement conferences, support contract disputes and even assist in administrative decision-making," he says.

By Ari Kaplan

4 minute read

January 17, 2007 | Legaltech News

Don't Break Your New Year's Resolutions on Technology

New Year's resolutions are often broken before the end of January. Attorney and writer Ari Kaplan hopes lawyers who resolved to become more tech-savvy in 2007 are better promise-keepers. Noting tech accomplishments by three lawyers in 2006, Kaplan gives good reason to ramp up your skills.

By Ari Kaplan

5 minute read

July 21, 2008 |

Survey Shows E-Discovery Best Practices

At LegalTech West Coast 2008, attendees paced the exhibit floor searching for answers to control electronic data discovery costs. Consultant Ari Kaplan examines a recent survey of corporate counsel to glean their best practices in securing the greatest value for EDD expenses.

By Ari Kaplan

9 minute read

January 17, 2007 |

Don't Break Your New Year's Resolutions on Technology

New Year's resolutions are often broken before the end of January. Attorney and writer Ari Kaplan hopes lawyers who resolved to become more tech-savvy in 2007 are better promise-keepers than that. As e-discovery issues loom large, one analyst notes "2007 will have to become the year when lawyers embrace technology." Noting three highlights from 2006 -- the year of the blog, the podcast and MySpace for law firms -- Kaplan gives good reason to turn to technology. Then, think about that gym membership.

By Ari Kaplan

5 minute read

May 03, 2011 | Texas Lawyer

Tap Summer Associates' Web 2.0 Savvy

Today's law students are more proficient with technology and in organic self-marketing than most organizations realize. Harness that talent and allow your summer hires to demonstrate their potential in these areas, particularly in a down market when everyone must increase their business development initiatives.

By Ari Kaplan

6 minute read

May 23, 2008 | Legaltech News

A Primer on Foreign Language E-Discovery

While e-discovery may be Greek to many, it is those documents written in Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Russian that cause much of the trouble. Here are some tips to ensure correct collection and review, regardless of the language at hand.

By Ari Kaplan

4 minute read