Craig R Tractenberg

Craig R Tractenberg

December 28, 2005 | The Legal Intelligencer

Private Equity Heating Up the Franchising Market

Mergers and acquisitions with private equity funding is the hottest thing in franchising today. In the past 12 months, private equity buyouts have included well-known brands such as Cinnabon, Church's Chicken, Taco Bueno (a California-based taco maker), and local frozen dessert owner Rita's Italian Ice.

By Craig R. Tractenberg

6 minute read

December 14, 2009 | The Legal Intelligencer

U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Argument on Franchise Case

The U.S. Supreme Court has scheduled argument on Jan. 19, 2010, in Mac's Shell Service Inc. v. Shell Oil Products Co. The case involves a claim by a group of gasoline retail dealers against their franchiser under the Petroleum Marketing Practices Act for constructive termination and constructive non-renewal.

By Craig R. Tractenberg

7 minute read

April 21, 2004 | The Legal Intelligencer

Protecting Franchising With the Board of Vehicles Act

Pennsylvania does not have a statute of general applicability that addresses the relationship between franchisors and franchisees.

By Craig R. Tractenberg

5 minute read

July 06, 2010 | New York Law Journal

Rare Move by U.S. Supreme Court: A Franchise Law Decision

Craig R. Tractenberg, a partner with Nixon Peabody, analyzes a recent decision in which the Supreme Court unanimously held that a franchisee that stays in business cannot sue for constructive termination under the Petroleum Marketing Practices Act.

By Craig R.Tractenberg

7 minute read

December 27, 2006 | The Legal Intelligencer

Franchise Finance in the Area Of Restaurant Development

The primary method of developing restaurants is through franchising. Virtually every restaurant chain that claims more than 50 locations or over $75 million in sales is franchised. Let's review the metrics of the restaurant industry to see why franchising is the preferred method of expansion.

By Craig R. Tractenberg

7 minute read

October 25, 2006 | The Legal Intelligencer

Some Incurable Defaults In the Franchise Relationship

It is hornbook law that when a party to a contract commits a material breach that the other party may continue with the contract and sue for partial breach, or may terminate the contract in its entirety.

By Craig R. Tractenberg

6 minute read

January 15, 2002 | The Legal Intelligencer

Evolving Issues in Internet Strategies

Franchised businesses have embraced Internet strategies in an effort to meet competition, increase product or service awareness, aid in customer and supplier communications and compete in different channels of commerce.

By Craig R. Tractenberg

8 minute read

February 22, 2006 | The Legal Intelligencer

Bishop Persuasive Decision in Franchise Law

United States District Court Judge Arthur J. Schwab squarely addressed difficult franchise law issues by deciding certain motions to dismiss in Bishop v. GNC Franchising LLC.

By Craig R. Tractenberg

5 minute read

January 28, 2011 | Texas Lawyer

Avoiding Threats to Your Brand in the Age of New Media

Your brand is intimately associated with your company's good will. Like it or not, companies are part of the new media. On any given day, a customer or critic can set off a firestorm with a comment or critique. If properly targeted, venomous falsehoods could take a decade to counteract.

By Craig R. Tractenberg

7 minute read

January 25, 2002 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Internet Issues Affecting Franchising

Franchised businesses have embraced Internet strategies in an effort to meet competition, increase product or service awareness, aid in customer and supplier communications and compete in different channels of commerce.

By Craig R. Tractenberg

7 minute read