Lean Adviser Legal

Lean Adviser Legal

April 26, 2021 | Lean Adviser

5.6. What Clients Want and Don't Want

Law firms need to understand what clients want from the relationship and what they don't want to see in a project. In the same way, individual lawyers need to understand what their firms want and don't want in a project.

By Lean Adviser Legal

2 minute read

April 26, 2021 | Lean Adviser

5. Using a Process Chart to Provide Transparency

If something goes wrong in an engagement, for whatever reason, how do you answer the client who says, 'Show me your risk assessment and the resultant planning?' The best response is to produce this in documents, hallmarked with contemporaneous client buy-in.

By Lean Adviser Legal

3 minute read

April 26, 2021 | Lean Adviser

4. Clients Can Handle the Truth

As lawyers, we're engaged with clients in projects. All the stakeholders do their best in challenging circumstances. Their personnel make missteps and so do we. Clients get that. What clients want and care about is identifying process flaws, regardless of the associated individual, and capturing learnings.

By Lean Adviser Legal

4 minute read

April 26, 2021 | Lean Adviser

3. Admitting Mistakes (and Suggesting Fixes) is What Clients Expect

Clients almost invariably react positively to an admission from their lawyer that some or all of the project has failed, coupled with candid reasons why and insightful improvement suggestions.

By Lean Adviser Legal

4 minute read

April 26, 2021 | Lean Adviser

2. Transparent Practices Protect Law Firms, their Clients and their Lawyers

It should be no surprise that clear communication, transparent budgeting, and structured monitoring systems all help protect law firms in case of disputes.

By Lean Adviser Legal

3 minute read

April 26, 2021 | Lean Adviser

5.1. Lawyer Traits that Serve Clients

What does it take to be a lean lawyer and practice law the way clients want? Let's start with three basic characteristics that you bring to work each day.

By Lean Adviser Legal

3 minute read

April 26, 2021 | Lean Adviser

8. Eliminating the Taboo of Failure

Clients almost invariably react positively to an admission from their lawyer that some or all of the project has failed, coupled with candid reasons why and insightful improvement suggestions.

By Lean Adviser Legal

4 minute read

April 26, 2021 | Lean Adviser

7. Clients Can Handle the Truth

The Wrap-Up Meeting is the time to face the client, with all candor, to analyze what went right and wrong, and why.

By Lean Adviser Legal

4 minute read

April 26, 2021 | Lean Adviser

6. Clients Don't Like to Be Blindsided

If the lawyer tells the client that things have changed, the client may not be delighted. But it is what it is. If clients the world over have one unifying characteristic, it is that they hate being blindsided.

By Lean Adviser Legal

2 minute read

April 26, 2021 | Lean Adviser

5. The "Just in Case" Meeting

A 'Just in Case' meeting balances the lean-ness and addresses the possibility of missing something that creative thought might expose.

By Lean Adviser Legal

4 minute read