Page 61 - ALMExperts 2024 National Medical Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: National Medical Edition 2024                                     Emergency Medicine

              EMERGENCY MEDICAL              Joel L. Goldberg, MD              Robert James Hill,
                  SERVICES (EMS)               Clinical Asst.                  M.D.,C.P.E., M.M.M.,
                                               Professor, Homer                Consulting
                                               Stryker M.D. School of           3106 Bobolink Lane
            Joel L. Goldberg, MD               Medicine                         Kalamazoo, MI 49008
             Clinical Asst. Professor, Homer   Goldberg Medical                 Phone: (269) 873-6384
             Stryker M.D. School of Medicine   Consulting                       E-mail: robert .j .hill .091660@gmail .com
             Goldberg Medical Consulting       PO Box 182                       Degrees/Licenses: Board Certified in
             Alto, MI                          Alto, MI 49302                   Emergency Medicine, Masters in Medical
             Phone: (616) 446-1196             Phone: (616) 446-1196            Management
             E-mail: docgtwo@gmail .com        E-mail: docgtwo@gmail .com
                                                                                Profile: Dr . Hill is an emergency medicine
            (Please see our resume on page 156 for further   Degrees/Licenses: M .D .; B .S .; M .A .;   specialist with over 25 years of clinical,
            details.)                          Licensed to practice medicine in the states of   administrative, business leadership and
                                               Michigan, Indiana, and California  academic experience . Dr . Hill has successfully
            Medilex, Inc.                                                       held a series of positions relevant to the
             New York, NY                      Profile: Primary Areas of Expertise:    knowledge required for expert case review .
             Phone: (212) 234-1999             Emergency Medicine, Urgent Care,   These include the positions of Chief Medical
             Toll Free Phone: (888) MED-ILEX   Emergency Medical Services, Occupational   Office, VP of Medical Staff Affairs and Peer
             E-mail: michael@medilexinc .com   Medicine, Pediatric Emergency Medicine   Review, Emergency Medicine Corporate
                                                                                President, and Hospital CEO .
            (Please see our resume on page 163 for further   Dr . Goldberg provides expert witness services
            details.)                          for both plaintiff and defense cases and   Dr. Hill is a highly qualified case review
                                               furnishes objective, comprehensive and   specialist . Dr . Hill has been and continues
            Gary W. Tamkin, MD, FACEP          thorough review of medical facts .  He offers   to be a well-respected specialist under
                                                                                consultation for the Bureau of Professional
             Vice President of Provider        case review and determines adherence to   Licensing (BPL), Licensing and Regulatory
                                               treatment standard of care, best practices
             Development                       documentation, emergency patient   Affairs, State of Michigan, Dr . Hill has
             US Acute Care Solutions           management, quality review and optimum   completed over 150 case reviews . All
             Lafayette, CA                     clinical decision making .  He provides   conclusions made following these reviews
                                                                                have not required retraction or significant
             Phone: (925) 786-8469             opinions on merit, negligence, causation,
             E-mail: Gtamkin@iCloud .com       failure to diagnose, delayed diagnosis and   correction . Finally, Dr . Hill’s expertise by
                                               misdiagnosis .  He determines the merits   specialty review include emergency medicine,
            (Please see our resume on page 178 for further   of potential cases, as well as inherent   critical care, psychiatry and primary care .
            details.)                          weaknesses .  His credible and clearly
                                               understandable assessment, opinions and
                                               testimony are the basis for building definitive
                                               strategies for his clients .
                                               Dr. Goldberg is a board-certified emergency
                                               medicine physician with more than 20 years
            Yolanda Anderson, RN, BSN, CEN,    in full-time clinical practice .  He has expertise
            CPEN, CLNC                         in the fields of Emergency Medicine, Urgent
             Colorado Care Consultants         Care, Occupational Medicine and Emergency
                                               Medical Services . He has experience in
             Lakewood, CO                      multiple settings including academic, urban,
             Phone: (720) 308-7880             community and rural hospitals .  He has held
             E-mail: coloradocareconsultants@yahoo .com  multiple hospital leadership positions and is
                                               an Assistant Clinical Professor at the Homer
            (Please see our resume on page 141 for further   Stryker School of Medicine . Dr . Goldberg
            details.)                          served as a Major in the United States Air
                                               Force and has experience in Air Medical
            Daniel E. Buffington, PharmD, MBA  Transport .
             Clinical Pharmacology Services      Dr . Goldberg provides the following expert
             & Am Institute of Pharmaceutical   services:  Medical chart review and analysis,                     MEDICAL EXPERTS
             Sciences                          opinion on merit, expert witness deposition,
             Clinical Pharmacology Services,   analysis of opposing expert deposition
             Inc.                              and cross-examination, expert witness
                                               testimony, opinions on negligence, causation,
             Tampa, FL                         failure to diagnose, delayed diagnosis and
             Phone: (813) 983-1500             misdiagnosis .
             Cell: (813) 679-0792
             E-mail: [email protected], danbuffington@  (Please see our resume on page 156 for further
             cpshealth .com                  details.)
            (Please see our resume on page 145 for further

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                              49
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