Page 62 - ALMExperts 2024 National Medical Directory
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Emergency Medicine                                          ALM EXPERTS: National Medical Edition 2024
                                                                             cases, not guaranteeing a favorable outcome
                                                                             but providing an honest assessment .
        Vipul Kella, MD MBA               Eric Nazziola, MD, MBA,
        FACEP                             FACEP                              Services Dr . Stein provides include:
         Medlegal Advisors                 Board Certified in
         Washington, D .C                  Emergency Medicine                Survey of case for merit,
         Phone: (248) 703-7998             172 Middlesex Avenue
         E-mail: drkella@                  Paramus, NJ 07652                 Medical chart review and analysis,
         medlegaladvisors .com             Phone: (917) 821-2518
         Web: http://www .medlegaladvisors .com  E-mail: enazziola@hotmail .com  Audit trail and metadata recommendations,
                                           Web: https://http://www .seakexperts .com/    Preparation for opposing expert deposition
         Degrees/Licenses: Board-Certified   members/10203-eric-nazziola
         Emergency Medicine .   MBA - Hospital                               and cross-examination,
         Administration                    Degrees/Licenses: MD, MBA, FACEP,
                                           ABEM;                             Medical literature search,
         State Licenses:  Maryland, Michigan, Kansas,
         Utah, Ohio                        State Medical Licenses: NJ, NY    Expert witness testimony .

                                                                             Dr . Stein is an Assistant Professor in the
         Profile: Dr. Vipul Kella is a Board-Certified   Profile: Emergency physician, board-certified
         Emergency Medicine physician who has been   by the American Board of Emergency   Division of Emergency Medicine, St . Louis
                                                                             University School of Medicine .
         practicing for 17 years and has served as a   Medicine since 2002, Fellow of the American
         medical expert for 10 years . He has reviewed   College of Emergency Physicians since
         over 100 cases and has been retained by   2006 . Currently practicing emergency   Dr . Stein has practiced Emergency Medicine
                                                                             for 29 years and Critical Care / Intensive Care
         multiple large hospital systems and Fortune   medicine with over 20 years of experience in
         100 companies for his expertise in over   academic and community hospital settings .   Medicine for 27 years .

         30 states . He holds an MBA from Johns   Emergency department medical director   Internal Medicine, Board Certified A.B.I.M.
         Hopkins with an emphasis on Healthcare   for over 10 years, serving on medical staff
         Administration, pursuing his interest in   quality review committees and performing     Emergency Medicine, Board Certified A.B.P.S.
         Standard of Care and Administration,   numerous emergency physician case peer
         policy and decision-making in hospitals   reviews for quality assurance and hospital risk     Neurocritical Care, Sub-specialty Certified
         and healthcare facilities from a business   management . Emergency medicine expert   U .C .N .S .
         perspective . He also has extensive health   witness providing medical expert opinion,
         tech expertise and has consulted on medical   written reports, and depositions on behalf of     Advanced Trauma Life Support Certified
         device and product liability cases and is   plaintiffs and defendants since 2014 .
         the medical director of a medical device                            (ATLS)

         company . He is the past System Chief of   Kenneth “Kenny” Stein,   Advanced Cardiac Life support Certified
         Emergency, Pediatric, and Observation
         Services at a large emergency system in   MD                        (ACLS)

         Maryland where he managed over 110,000   Emergency Medicine,
         patient visits, overseeing over 40 physicians   Critical Care Medicine,   Email: kennystein1@gmail .com
         and 30 PA/Nurse providers . Dr . Kella currently
         treats Emergency Medicine patients at   Internal Medicine         (Please see our resume on page 175 for further
         Adventist Healthcare Hospital in the greater   & Personal Injury   details.)
         Washington, DC metropolitan area . Dr . Kella   (Causation)
         works on cases for both plaintiff and defense   14312 Aitken Hill Ct .
         with areas of expertise in medical malpractice,   St . Louis, MO 63017
         standards of care, emergency medicine,   Phone: (314) 495-7009
         hospital administration, nursing home, medical   Fax: (708) 585-3348
         devices, and product liability .  E-mail: kennystein1@gmail .com
                                           Web: http://www .er-md .com
        (Please see our resume on page 160 for further
        details.)                          Profile: Dr . Stein excels in providing testimony
                                           that is credible, clearly understandable and
        Medilex, Inc.                      serves to educate the judges & jury about the
         New York, NY                      science, the medicine and the facts as they
         Phone: (212) 234-1999             relate to negligence, causation and damages .
         Toll Free Phone: (888) MED-ILEX
         E-mail: michael@medilexinc .com   Dr . Stein has extensive experience in
                                           providing medical-legal expert services,
        (Please see our resume on page 163 for further   having reviewed over 600 cases (both plaintiff
        details.)                          and defense) in over 40 US states & territories .
                                           Dr . Stein Has provided testimony (deposition
                                           and trial) over 200 times .

                                           Topics that Dr . Kenny Stein has provided
                                           opinions on include: Emergency Medicine,
                                           Critical Care, Internal Medicine, Personal
                                           Injury (Causation), Sepsis/Septic Shock,
                                           MI, Heart Attack, PE, Pulmonary Embolism,
                                           Pneumonia, Thoracic Aortic Dissection,
                                           Cauda Equina, Infection, Medical Malpractice,
                                           Intensive Care , ICU, Trauma, Stroke, ER,
                                           Pressure Injury, Pressure Ulcers, Causation,
                                           Nursing Home Injury, Misdiagnosis,
                                           Prescription Errors, Medication Errors, Failure
                                           to Diagnose, Delayed Diagnosis, Fracture .

                                           Dr . Stein furnishes an unbiased opinion on
                                           medical malpractice and negligence cases,
                                           as well as personal injury and wrongful death
        50                                                        Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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