Page 18 - ALMExperts 2024 Midwestern Directory
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Architecture                                                    ALM EXPERTS: Midwestern Edition 2024
                                          Kenneth J. Stoyack
              ARCHITECTURE                 Kenneth J. Stoyack, AIA, PP        ATTORNEY LIABILITY
                                           Nutley, NJ
                                           Phone: (973) 661-2708
        Elliott E. Dudnik                  E-mail: kjsaia@rcn .com         Leonard Gross, JD
         PhD, FAIA, NCARB,                (Please see our resume on page 113 for further   Professor of Law Emeritus
         LEED AP, CSI, ICC,               details.)                          Southern Illinois University
         ASTM, NFPA                                                          School of Law
         Elliott Dudnik + Associates                                         Carbondale, IL
         912 Wesley Avenue                     ARSON ANALYSIS                Phone: (561) 235-2237
         Evanston, IL 60202                                                  E-mail: lgross@siu .edu
         Phone: (847) 866-7760
         Fax: (841) 866-7897              Agosti Fire Investigations       (Please see our complete listing under the
         E-mail: edudnik@dudnikarchitects .com  Chicago, IL                following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
         Web: http://www .dudnikarchitects .com  Phone: (847) 682-6793     Legal Ethics)
                                           E-mail: John .Agosti@Agosti-Fire .com
         Ph .D . (Urban Planning), MS (Structural   (Please see our resume on page 93 for further   AUDIBLE WARNINGS
         Engineering), B . Architecture   details.)
         Licensed Architect - Illinois, Wisconsin,
         NCARB Certificate, LEED AP                                        Michael P. Lawler MS, CSP, ASP,
                                                  ARSON/FIRE               CHST
         Profile: Elliott Dudnik + Associates is a
         full-service architectural firm with additional                     SafeWit.Inc.
         engineering and planning expertise that draws                       Orland Park, IL
         upon more than fifty years of experience   Agosti Fire Investigations  Phone: (312) 254-6553
         involving numerous and varied building   Chicago, IL                E-mail: mlawler@safetyexpertwitness .net
         projects to provide forensic analysis and   Phone: (847) 682-6793
         litigation support, as well as strategies for   E-mail: John .Agosti@Agosti-Fire .com  (Please see our resume on page 104 for further
         remediation, correction, and restoration .   blank                details.)
         Established in 1969, we regularly serve as   Chicago, IL
         expert witnesses and technical consultants   Phone: (847) 682-6793
         in cases related to building design and   E-mail: John .Agosti@Agosti-Fire .com  AUDIT FAILURES
         construction, structural or construction
         failures, building codes, architectural practice   (Please see our resume on page 93 for further
         and contracts, handicapped accessibility, and   details.)
         construction-related injuries or damage                           Michael D. Pakter CPA, CFF, CGMA,
                                          David M. Manuta, Ph.D., FAIC     CFE, CVA, MAFF, CA, CIRA, CDBV
         As forensic specialists, we have conducted                          Gould & Pakter Associates, LLC
         investigations, prepared detailed analyses   President
         and reports, and testified on numerous topics,   Manuta Chemical Consulting, Inc.  Chicago, IL
         projects, accidents, failures, and conditions   Waverly, OH         Phone: (773) 671-1950
         including:                        Phone: (740) 947-7998             E-mail: mpakter@litcpa .com
                                           E-mail: dmanuta@dmanuta .com
         • Building, Zoning and Life Safety Code                           (Please see our resume on page 107 for further
         Interpretation, Analysis and Compliance   (Please see our resume on page 105 for further   details.)
         • Building Defect Investigation and Failure   details.)
         Analysis and Remediation
         • Technical Investigations and Development of                             AUTO SAFETY
         Repair Methods
         • Handicapped Accessibility Analysis and   ASBESTOS
         Design                                                            Dennis W. Eckstine
         • Design and Construction Errors and
         Omissions and Standards of Care   Dr. James C. Norris               Matthew Eckstine
                                           Expert Witness in Toxicology and   Eckstine & Associates, Inc.
         Our expertise is based on the wealth of   Pharmacology              Waynesboro, PA
         professional experience gained from the                             Phone: (717) 762-1555
         design and construction of numerous   Benton, AR                    E-mail: deckstine@earthlink .net, meckstine@
         commercial, institutional, industrial, residential   Phone: (815) 955-5838  me .com
         and governmental projects encompassing   E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net
         new construction, rehabilitation, adaptive                        (Please see our resume on page 97 for further
         reuse, and historic preservation .   (Please see our resume on page 106 for further   details.)
         Elliott Dudnik, PhD, FAIA, NCARB, LEED AP,
         CSI, ICC, ASTM, NFPA, the firm principal, holds
         degrees in architecture, structural engineering   ATTORNEY ETHICS
         and urban planning with extensive professional
         experience as both an award-winning architect-
         engineer and university professor with a lengthy   Alan Kravets, Esq.
         record of technical publications, research grants,
         fellowships and public lectures in the US and   Chicago, IL
         abroad . He has served as a technical consultant   Phone: (312) 320-3264
         to several public agencies and as an expert   E-mail: Alan@kravets .net
         witness in more than 150 building construction,
         building failure or defects, accessibility and   (Please see our complete listing under the
         building-code related cases .    following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
                                          Real Estate Brokerage)
        (Please see our resume on page 96 for further

        6                                                         Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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