Page 19 - ALMExperts 2024 Midwestern Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: Midwestern Edition 2024                                                 Bird Damages

            AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE                     BANKRUPTCY                        BIOMEDICAL
                                                     ACCOUNTING                       ENGINEERING
            Robert Hughes Associates, Inc.
             John Oakley                     Michael D. Pakter CPA, CFF, CGMA,   David C. Gross, Ph.D.,
             Richardson, TX                  CFE, CVA, MAFF, CA, CIRA, CDBV    P.E.
             Phone: (972) 980-0088             Gould & Pakter Associates, LLC
             E-mail: joakley@roberthughes .com                                  Director
                                               Chicago, IL                      MED Institute
            (Please see our resume on page 110 for further   Phone: (773) 671-1950  1330 Win Hentschel Blvd, STE
            details.)                          E-mail: mpakter@litcpa .com      100
                                                                                West Lafayette, IN 47906
                                             (Please see our resume on page 107 for further   Phone: (765) 404-4692
                                             details.)                          E-mail: dgross@medinstitute .com
                   AUTOMOTIVE                                                   Web: http://www .medinstitute .com
                                                       BED BUGS                 Degrees/Licenses: Ph .D ., P .E .

            Dennis W. Eckstine                                                  Profile: David Gross, PhD, PE, is the Director
             Matthew Eckstine                George Manning                     of MRI Safety Evaluations and Engineering
             Eckstine & Associates, Inc.       Consulting Entomologist          Simulations at MED Institute . As a graduate
                                                                                research associate, he was awarded a Pre-
             Waynesboro, PA                    Chesterton , IN                  Doctoral Fellowship from the American
             Phone: (717) 762-1555             Phone: (773) 549-7320            Heart Association (AHA) for his research
             E-mail: deckstine@earthlink .net, meckstine@  Alt . Phone: (773) 418-6206  focusing on improving the MRI safety of
             me .com                           E-mail: manninggeorge264@gmail .com  patients with implanted cardiovascular
                                                                                devices . He is a member of numerous
            (Please see our resume on page 97 for further   (Please see our complete listing under the   societies, including the International Society
            details.)                        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)
                                             Entomology)                        where he received the Magna Cum Laude
                                                                                Merit Award at the 2016 ISMRM Annual
                BANK SECRECY ACT                                                Conference . Additionally, he was a member of
                                                 BENEFITS/PENSIONS              the Ethics Subcommittee for the Biomedical
                                                                                Engineering Society . He graduated from
                                                                                Purdue University with a B .S . in Biomedical
            Braden Perry                                                        Engineering and M .S .E . in Interdisciplinary
             Kennyhertz Perry, LLC           Stan V. Smith, Ph.D.               Engineering . He also holds M .S . and Ph .D .
             Mission Woods, KS                 President                        degrees in Biomedical Engineering from Ohio
             Phone: (816) 527-9445             Smith Economics Group, Ltd.      State University and is a licensed Professional
             E-mail: braden@kennyhertzperry .com  Chicago, IL                   Engineer .
                                               Phone: (312) 943-1551
            (Please see our resume on page 108 for further   E-mail: stan@smitheconomics .com
            details.)                                                             BIOTECH PATENT LAW
                                             (Please see our resume on page 112 for further                       EXPERT CATEGORIES
                 BANKING FRAUD                                                 David C. Gross, Ph.D., P.E.
                                                                                MED Institute
            Braden Perry
             Kennyhertz Perry, LLC                                              West Lafayette, IN
                                                                                Phone: (765) 404-4692
             Mission Woods, KS                                                  E-mail: dgross@medinstitute .com
             Phone: (816) 527-9445
             E-mail: braden@kennyhertzperry .com                               (Please see our complete listing under the
                                                                               following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
            (Please see our resume on page 108 for further                     Biomedical Engineering)
                                                                                     BIRD DAMAGES

                                                                               George Manning
            Michael D. Pakter CPA, CFF, CGMA,                                   Consulting Entomologist
            CFE, CVA, MAFF, CA, CIRA, CDBV                                      Chesterton , IN
             Gould & Pakter Associates, LLC                                     Phone: (773) 549-7320
             Chicago, IL                                                        Alt . Phone: (773) 418-6206
             Phone: (773) 671-1950                                              E-mail: manninggeorge264@gmail .com
             E-mail: mpakter@litcpa .com
                                                                               (Please see our complete listing under the
            (Please see our resume on page 107 for further                     following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
            details.)                                                          Entomology)

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                               7
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