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Cell Phones ALM EXPERTS: Midwestern Edition 2024
Crime Investigation Association) and
CELL PHONES For more detailed information, give Mr . Cook SWGDE (Scientific Working Group for Digital
Evidence) .
a call .
(Please see our complete listing under the Additionally, Mr . Cook’s forensic examiners
Jim Cook following area of expertise: Expert Categories: have the ability to unlock and download
Premier Cellular Cellular Evidence Analysis) cellular phones and various digital devices .
Mapping & Analytics For more detailed information, give Mr . Cook
...your Wireless a call .
Ripon, CA 95366 ANALYSIS
Phone: (209) 606-2665 CFTC - REPARATIONS
Fax: (209) 545-0345
E-mail: jim@premiercma .com Jim Cook & ADMINISTRATIVE
Web: https://premiercma .com/ ACTIONS
Premier Cellular
Degrees/Licenses: Carrier training by AT&T, Mapping & Analytics
Verizon, Sprint/Nextel, Boost, Metro PCS, ...your Wireless Braden Perry
Cricket, T-Mobile, GTE, Contel, Pac-Tel Experts...
Cellular, Cingular, Airtouch . Ripon, CA 95366 Kennyhertz Perry, LLC
Phone: (209) 606-2665 2000 Shawnee Mission
Versed in all Carrier billing formats Fax: (209) 545-0345 Parkway, Suite 210
and network operations . In addition to, E-mail: jim@premiercma .com Mission Woods, KS 66205
manufacture training by Motorola, Fujitsu, Web: https://premiercma .com/ Phone: (816) 527-9445
Nokia, Samsung, LG, RIM, Ericsson, Fax: (855) 844-2914
Technocel, and Shintom . E-mail: braden@kennyhertzperry .com
Degrees/Licenses: Carrier training by AT&T, Web: http://www .kennyhertzperry .com
Verizon, Sprint/Nextel, Boost, Metro PCS,
Profile: Jim Cook works nationally as Cricket, T-Mobile, GTE, Contel, Pac-Tel
a Wireless Expert with over 37 years of Cellular, Cingular, Airtouch . Degrees/Licenses: B .S ., J .D ., CAMS
experience in the Wireless Industry . He is (Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist)
versed in all Carrier billing formats . He can Versed in all Carrier billing formats
analyze the current facts and digital evidence and network operations . In addition to, Profile: Braden Perry is a former Senior Trial
in a case and make recommendations to Law manufacture training by Motorola, Fujitsu, Attorney with the U .S . Commodity Future
Enforcement and Attorneys (in Civil Matters) Nokia, Samsung, LG, RIM, Ericsson, Trading
on ways to maximize the evidence available Technocel, and Shintom . Commission’s (CFTC) Division of
from cellular phones, the carrier/service Enforcement . He has the unique tripartite
providers, social media, device exams, IoT Profile: Jim Cook works nationally as experience of a white-collar criminal defense
(internet of things) data, vehicle infotainment/ a Wireless Expert with over 37 years of and government compliance, investigations,
telematics data, video and other digital experience in the Wireless Industry . He is and litigation attorney at a national law firm;
evidence . Mr . Cook then analyzes the data versed in all Carrier billing formats . He can a senior enforcement attorney at a federal
and can map the activity associated with the analyze the current facts and digital evidence regulatory agency; and the Chief Compliance
device(s) . His analysis and mapping provide a in a case and make recommendations to Law Officer/Chief Regulatory Attorney of a global
graphic representation of the records, showing Enforcement and Attorneys (in Civil Matters) financial institution.
the location of device(s) during a specific event on ways to maximize the evidence available
or period of time. When Mr. Cook testifies from cellular phones, the carrier/service Mr . Perry has extensive experience advising
in Court, he has the ability to explain the providers, social media, device exams, IoT and consulting with clients in federal inquiries
technical aspects of our digital world to a jury (internet of things) data, vehicle infotainment/ and investigations, particularly in enforcement
so that a lay person can understand them . telematics data, video and other digital matters involving novel or emerging issues .
evidence . Mr . Cook then analyzes the data He couples his technical knowledge and
Mr. Cook has testified in a wide range of and can map the activity associated with the experience defending clients in front of federal
cases including Hit-and-Run, Auto Accidents, device(s) . His analysis and mapping provide a agencies with a broad-based understanding
Insurance Fraud, Workers Comp, Personal graphic representation of the records, showing of compliance from an institutional and
Injury, Domestic Violence, Rape, Robbery, the location of device(s) during a specific event regulatory perspective .
Arson, and Homicide, in both State and or period of time. When Mr. Cook testifies
Federal Court where cellular phone data and in Court, he has the ability to explain the Mr . Perry has been retained as an expert
other digital evidence records were a key technical aspects of our digital world to a jury witness or consultant over 15 times in the
piece of evidence . so that a lay person can understand them . areas of commodities, futures, derivatives,
and securities regulations . He has also served
Mr . Cook was a 2011 and 2015 recipient of the Mr. Cook has testified in a wide range of as a consultant on Foreign Corrupt Practices
HTCIA International “Case of the Year Award” cases including Hit-and-Run, Auto Accidents, Act (FCPA), Federal Trade Commission
(2011 - “People vs . Bulos Zumot” and 2015 - Insurance Fraud, Workers Comp, Personal (FTC), and the Consumer Financial Protection
“State of Texas vs . George De La Cruz”) and Injury, Domestic Violence, Rape, Robbery, Bureau (CFPB) matters . He can summarize
Featured in “Law Enforcement Technology Arson, and Homicide, in both State and complex and foreign issues coherently for fact
Magazine” May 2011 issue . Jim also appeared Federal Court where cellular phone data and finders to understand.
on ON THE CASE WITH PAULA ZAHN other digital evidence records were a key
episode “Texts, Lies, and videotape” . He is piece of evidence . (Please see our resume on page 108 for further
a P .O .S .T ./ICI Instructor for the South Valley, details.)
Sacramento, & San Diego Regional Training Mr . Cook was a 2011 and 2015 recipient of the
Centers and is an instructor for CDAA HTCIA International “Case of the Year Award”
(California District Attorney Association) . (2011 - “People vs . Bulos Zumot” and 2015 -
He is a member of HTCIA (High Technology “State of Texas vs . George De La Cruz”) and
Crime Investigation Association) and Featured in “Law Enforcement Technology
SWGDE (Scientific Working Group for Digital Magazine” May 2011 issue . Jim also appeared
episode “Texts, Lies, and videotape” . He is
Additionally, Mr . Cook’s forensic examiners a P .O .S .T ./ICI Instructor for the South Valley,
have the ability to unlock and download Sacramento, & San Diego Regional Training
cellular phones and various digital devices . Centers and is an instructor for CDAA
(California District Attorney Association) .
He is a member of HTCIA (High Technology
10 Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness