Page 25 - ALMExperts 2024 Midwestern Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: Midwestern Edition 2024                                                  Claims Made
             recognizes the proactive needs and urgency
             of each unique case and is ready for direct   CLAIMS HANDLING
             consultation through phone (216) 266 - 7153 .                     Amy E. Johnson, JD
                                                STANDARDS OF CARE               HeplerBroom, LLC
            (Please see our resume on page 94 for further                       70 W . Madison Street, Suite
            details.)                                                           2600
                                             Rick Hammond, J.D.,                Chicago, IL 60602
                                             CLU                                Phone: (312) 205-7726
                 CLAIMS ANALYSIS               Insurance Claims and             E-mail: amy .johnson@
                                                                                heplerbroom .com
                                               Litigation Consultants,          Web: http://www .heplerbroom .com
            Amy E. Johnson, JD                 LLC                              Profile: Amy Johnson, JD, is a national expert
             HeplerBroom, LLC                  Orland Park Executive Tower      and insurance consultant, litigator, former
                                               15255 South 94th Avenue, Suite 500
             Chicago, IL                       Orland Park, IL 60462            Director, Property & Casualty Claims/Assistant
             Phone: (312) 205-7726             Phone: (708) 428-6300            Claim Counsel at a national insurance
             E-mail: amy .johnson@heplerbroom .com  Cell: (312) 399-1717        company, and certified mediator, who provides
                                               E-mail: rickhammond@             services and testimony on claims and lawsuits
            (Please see our resume on page 103 for further   insurancelawconsultants .com  involving insurance coverage, bad faith, and
            details.)                          Web: http://www .insurancelawconsultants .  insurer customs and practices . Ms . Johnson’s
                                               com                              experience extends across all layers of
                                                                                coverage, including primary, umbrella, and
                CLAIMS HANDLING                Degrees/Licenses: Bachelor of Arts and   excess, and all product lines, including third-
                                                                                party general liability, errors & omissions,
                                               Juris Doctorate
                                                                                directors and officers, professional liability/
                                                                                risk, builder’s risk, employment practices
            Robert Hughes Associates, Inc.     Profile:  Rick Hammond, JD, CLU,  is   liability, first-party commercial property,
             John Oakley                       the Principal of  Insurance Claims and   personal umbrella, surety bonds, and not-for-
                                               Litigation Consultants, LLC,  a consulting
             Richardson, TX                    firm that provides expert witness services and   profit healthcare liability.  She also provides
             Phone: (972) 980-0088             testimony on claims and lawsuits involving   consultation on pre-suit and litigated coverage
             E-mail: joakley@roberthughes .com  insurance coverage, bad faith, agent-broker   matters and claims, and training on how to
                                                                                handle those claims .
                                               liability, insurance regulatory issues and
            (Please see our resume on page 110 for further   insurance industry standards and its customs
            details.)                          and practices . He also provides consultation   Ms . Johnson has a distinguished background
                                               and oversight of pre-suit and litigated   and the experience to understand, evaluate,
                                                                                and explain complex coverage issues, and
            William J. Warfel, Ph.D., CPCU,    coverage matters that potentially implicates   address extra-contractual exposures faced
            CLU                                allegations of statutory, common law or   by carriers .  She has a unique and effective
             Professor of Insurance & Risk     institutional insurer bad faith, and serves as   approach to claim handling and strategy,
                                               an arbitrator and mediator on cases involving
             Management                        insurance coverage disputes .    in order to facilitate resolution of claims, on
                                                                                behalf of both the policyholder and the carrier .
             Scott College of Business,
             Indiana State University          Mr . Hammond, has the unique experience   Ms . Johnson’s experience has been
                                               and the qualifications essential to understand,
             Terre Haute, IN                   define and evaluate complex coverage issues   developed over 25 years of insurance
             Phone: (812) 237-2122             and extra contractual exposures that a carrier   coverage expertise on first- and third-party
             Cell: (812) 241-3185              may be facing, and to effectively use this   liability insurance claims, high exposure and
             E-mail: william .warfel@indstate .edu  experience to offer pre-suit expert consultation   complex claims, underwriting issues, and   EXPERT CATEGORIES
                                               and assist with effecting a resolution of hotly-  claim handling, as a litigator and trial counsel
            (Please see our complete listing under the   contested claims .     on coverage and bad faith cases in multiple
            following area of expertise: Expert Categories:                     jurisdictions, Director, Property & Casualty
            Property & Casualty Insurance)     With more than 40 years of industry and legal   Claims/Assistant Claim Counsel, author of
                                               experience on a broad spectrum of insurance   over numerous articles, and presenter and
                                                                                speaker at insurance conferences across the
                                               matters, from supervising claims, working   country .
                                               as a full-lines agent, serving as head of the
                                               Illinois Department of Insurance’s Chicago
                                               office, adjunct professor of insurance law,   (Please see our resume on page 103 for further
                                               executive director of a national insurance trade
                                               association, litigating and trial of coverage
                                               and bad faith cases in multiple states and
                                               jurisdictions, authoring over 100 articles   CLAIMS MADE
                                               and treatises, to serving as the President
                                               of the Illinois Association of Defense Trial
                                               Counsel . Mr . Hammond can provide the inside   Amy E. Johnson, JD
                                               knowledge and properly analyze virtually   HeplerBroom, LLC
                                               every type of Insurance coverage issue and
                                               bad faith exposure . In addition to expert   Chicago, IL
                                               testimony, he has been involved in a hundred   Phone: (312) 205-7726
                                               or more mediations and arbitrations, lectured   E-mail: amy .johnson@heplerbroom .com
                                               extensively, and authored numerous articles
                                               and treatises on the subjects of insurance law   (Please see our resume on page 103 for further
                                               and coverage .                  details.)
                                             (Please see our resume on page 100 for further

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                              13
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