Page 30 - ALMExperts 2024 Midwestern Directory
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Construction Safety ALM EXPERTS: Midwestern Edition 2024
Michael P. Lawler MS, CSP, ASP,
Orland Park, IL SafeWit.Inc.
Phone: (312) 254-6553
E-mail: mlawler@safetyexpertwitness .net PO Box 733
Orland Park, IL 60462 Dennis W. Eckstine
Phone: (312) 254-6553 Matthew Eckstine
(Please see our resume on page 104 for further E-mail: mlawler@safetyexpertwitness .net
details.) Eckstine & Associates, Inc.
Web: http://www .safetyexpertwitness .net
Waynesboro, PA
Phone: (717) 762-1555
Degrees/Licenses: BS, Safety, Illinois State
CONSTRUCTION SAFETY University MS, Safety Management, West E-mail: deckstine@earthlink .net, meckstine@
Virginia University CSP, ASP, CHST me .com
(Please see our resume on page 97 for further
Nabeel Ali, P.E., PhD, PMP, LEED Profile: Mr . Lawler offers a unique details.)
GA, CXLT combination formal education and “project
Genuine Engineering Group based”, technical experience working on some
of the largest construction projects in the US .
Civil Engineering, Safety, and CONSTRUCTION ZONES/
Construction ZONING
Phone: (216) 266-7153 His background allows him to offer you
insights on OSHA standards and contract
responsibility . This ensures his opinions
(Please see our resume on page 94 for further Kenneth J. Stoyack
details.) create a clear picture as to how construction
projects are managed and built and how Kenneth J. Stoyack, AIA, PP
OSHA compliance is accomplished in the Nutley, NJ
Dennis W. Eckstine “real world” . Furthermore, Mr . Lawler is Phone: (973) 661-2708
Matthew Eckstine able analyze how post incident details and E-mail: kjsaia@rcn .com
Eckstine & Associates, investigations should be completed, and who
Inc. is responsible per the OSHA Standard and (Please see our resume on page 113 for further
construction industry practices . Experience in
10817 Partridge Drive personal injury, catastrophic injury & fatality details.)
Waynesboro, PA 17268 cases
Phone: (717) 762-1555
Fax: (717) 762-9055 Applying his 30 years as a safety executive CONSUMER PRODUCTS
E-mail: deckstine@earthlink .net, meckstine@ and leader you are assured to receive
me .com professional and prompt response to
Web: http://www .eckstine .net your needs and a demeanor of care and R. Kevin Smith, P.E., D.F.E.
confidence. R. K. Smith Engineering Inc.
Degrees/Licenses: Bachelor of Science
Mechanical Engineering/ Master of Business Expert at applying OSH Act of 1970 standards, Crown Point, IN
Administration/ Master of Safety Sciences CFR 1926 & 1910 regulations, policies, Phone: (219) 226-9510
Cell: Cell - (708) 790-1938
construction industry practices, and contract
Profile: Eckstine & Associates, Inc ., BSME, responsibility . Experience includes over 50 E-mail: rksinc@mac .com
MS, has extensive experience in matters OSHA inspections and associated negotiation
involving cranes, aerial lifts, fork lifts, and defense preparation related to OSHA (Please see our complete listing under the
trucks, carriers, wagons, loaders, drills, citations . Expert at incident investigation and following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
excavators, tractors, back hoes, roll backs, accident reconstruction . Extensive experience Forensic Engineering)
fire ladders, etc. In addition, Eckstine & in aspects of OSHA and construction .
Associates, Inc ., has served as experts Experience in personal injury, catastrophic
in litigation on safe use and design of injury & fatality cases, multi-employer CONTRACTOR SELECTION
construction, industrial and agricultural worksites, failure to train, expert contractor & SUPERVISION
equipment for over 30 years . Eckstine responsibility, premise liability .
& Associates, Inc . consultants have held
senior positions in Engineering, Quality (Please see our resume on page 104 for further
and Product Safety for several major details.) Thomas H. Burtness, PE, BSEE,
manufacturers . Consultants are currently CFEI
members of numerous committees within Burtness Engineering Services
the organizations of ANSI, SAE, ASSP, ISO
and NCCCO . Eckstine & Associates, Inc CONSTRUCTION SITE White Heath, IL
consultants have held leadership positions SECURITY Phone: (217) 687-4450
Alt . Phone: (217) 898-8000
in national and international standards
organizations including International E-mail: tom@burtnesseng .com
Chairman of several ISO Technical Michael P. Lawler MS, CSP, ASP,
Committees . (Please see our resume on page 95 for further
CHST details.)
(Please see our resume on page 97 for further SafeWit.Inc.
details.) Orland Park, IL
Phone: (312) 254-6553
Christopher E. Janson, MS, CSP, E-mail: mlawler@safetyexpertwitness .net
Haines, Janson & Associates, (Please see our resume on page 104 for further
St . Louis, MO
Phone: (314) 845-3516
E-mail: chris@hainesjanson .com
(Please see our resume on page 102 for further
18 Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness