Page 31 - ALMExperts 2024 Midwestern Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: Midwestern Edition 2024                                      Data Collection & Analysis

                    CORROSION                  CREDIT & COLLECTIONS             DAMAGE CALCULATIONS
                                             Stan V. Smith, Ph.D.              Stan V. Smith, Ph.D.
            Nabeel Ali, P.E., PhD, PMP,   LEED   President                      President
            GA, CXLT                           Smith Economics Group, Ltd.      Smith Economics Group, Ltd.
             Genuine Engineering Group         Chicago, IL                      Chicago, IL
             Civil Engineering, Safety, and    Phone: (312) 943-1551            Phone: (312) 943-1551
                                               E-mail: stan@smitheconomics .com
                                                                                E-mail: stan@smitheconomics .com
             Phone: (216) 266-7153           (Please see our resume on page 112 for further   (Please see our resume on page 112 for further
                                             details.)                         details.)
            (Please see our resume on page 94 for further
                                                   CROWD CONTROL                      DATA BREACH
                                             Spencer Fomby
                                               Law Enforcement Tactical
            Dennis W. Eckstine                 Consultants
             Matthew Eckstine                  Austin, TX
             Eckstine & Associates,            Phone: (916) 595-0560
             Inc.                              E-mail: spencer@leexperts .net  Interhack Corp.
             10817 Partridge Drive                                              C. Matthew Curtin
             Waynesboro, PA 17268            (Please see our resume on page 99 for further   Founder
             Phone: (717) 762-1555           details.)                          5 E . Long Street, 9th Floor
             Fax: (717) 762-9055                                                Columbus, OH 43215
             E-mail: deckstine@earthlink .net, meckstine@
             me .com                             CUSTOM/PRACTICES               Phone: (614) 545-4225
                                                                                Fax: (614) 545-0076
             Web: http://www .eckstine .net
                                                                                E-mail: re@interhack .com
                                                                                Web: web .interhack .com/company/people/
             Degrees/Licenses: Bachelor of Science   Rick Hammond, J.D., CLU    cmcurtin
             Mechanical Engineering/ Master of Business
             Administration/ Master of Safety Sciences  Insurance Claims and Litigation
                                               Consultants, LLC                 Profile: C . Matthew Curtin, CISSP is the
             Profile: Eckstine & Associates, Inc ., BSME,   Orland Park, IL     Founder and CEO of Interhack Corporation .
                                                                                Curtin is Interhack’s lead computer scientist
             MS,  has extensive experience in matters   Phone: (708) 428-6300   and cybersecurity expert . Curtin has been
             involving cranes, aerial lifts, fork lifts,   Cell: (312) 399-1717  engaged in criminal, civil, administrative, and
             trucks, carriers, wagons, loaders, drills,   E-mail: rickhammond@  military processes by plaintiffs, defendants,
             excavators, tractors, back hoes, roll backs,   insurancelawconsultants .com  and the courts directly . His opinion has
             fire ladders, etc. In addition, Eckstine &                         been accepted by federal and state courts
             Associates, Inc ., has served as experts   (Please see our resume on page 100 for further   throughout the country in hearings, trials, and
             in litigation on safe use and design of   details.)                appeals .                         EXPERT CATEGORIES
             construction, industrial and agricultural
             equipment for over 30 years . Eckstine                             Curtin and his team help attorneys and
             & Associates, Inc . consultants have held   CYBERSPACE/INTERNET    executives understand the meaning and
             senior positions in Engineering, Quality                           context of data and how they affect business,
             and Product Safety for several major                               operations, or a legal case .
             manufacturers . Consultants are currently
             members of numerous committees within   Interhack Corp.            C . Matthew Curtin is available as a consulting
             the organizations of ANSI, SAE, ASSP, ISO   C. Matthew Curtin      or testifying expert in cybersecurity and other
             and NCCCO . Eckstine & Associates, Inc   Founder                   technical matters .  Interhack is also licensed
             consultants have held leadership positions                         and authorized by the Ohio Department of
             in national and international standards   Columbus, OH             Public Safety to offer private investigator
             organizations including International   Phone: (614) 545-4225      services in the state of Ohio.
             Chairman of several ISO Technical   E-mail: re@interhack .com
             Committees .
                                             (Please see our resume on page 101 for further   (Please see our resume on page 101 for further
                                             details.)                         details.)
            (Please see our resume on page 97 for further
            Michael P. Lawler MS, CSP, ASP,       DAMAGE ANALYSIS                 DATA COLLECTION &
            CHST                                                                        ANALYSIS
             SafeWit.Inc.                    Stan V. Smith, Ph.D.
             Orland Park, IL
             Phone: (312) 254-6553             President                       Interhack Corp.
             E-mail: mlawler@safetyexpertwitness .net  Smith Economics Group, Ltd.  C. Matthew Curtin
                                               Chicago, IL                      Founder
            (Please see our resume on page 104 for further   Phone: (312) 943-1551  Columbus, OH
            details.)                          E-mail: stan@smitheconomics .com  Phone: (614) 545-4225
                                                                                E-mail: re@interhack .com
                                             (Please see our resume on page 112 for further
                                             details.)                         (Please see our resume on page 101 for further

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                              19
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