Page 34 - ALMExperts 2024 Midwestern Directory
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Economic Analysis                                               ALM EXPERTS: Midwestern Edition 2024
                                           Association of International Certified
           ECONOMIC ANALYSIS               Professional Accountants (“AICPA”) has   ECONOMICS
                                           recognized him as additionally Certified
                                           in Financial Forensics (“CFF”) and as a
                                           Chartered Global Management Accountant
        Stan V. Smith, Ph.D.               (“CGMA”) . He earned the National Association   Stan V. Smith, Ph.D.
         President                         of Certified Valuators and Analysts (“NACVA”)   President
         Smith Economics Group, Ltd.       Certified Valuation Analyst (“CVA”) and Master   Smith Economics
         Chicago, IL                       Analyst in Financial Forensics (“MAFF”)   Group, Ltd.
                                           designations . The Association of Insolvency
         Phone: (312) 943-1551             and Restructuring Advisors (“AIRA”) has   1165 N . Clark Street, Suite 600
         E-mail: stan@smitheconomics .com  awarded him its Certified Insolvency and   Chicago, IL 60610
                                           Restructuring Advisor (“CIRA”) certificate   Phone: (312) 943-1551
        (Please see our resume on page 112 for further   and its Certification in Distressed Business   Fax: (312) 943-1016
        details.)                                                            E-mail: stan@smitheconomics .com
                                           Valuation credential (“CDBV”) . He is a
                                           Certified Fraud Examiner (“CFE”) awarded by   Web: http://www .smitheconomics .com
                                           the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
           ECONOMIC DAMAGES                (“ACFE”) and he has earned a Chartered   Degrees/Licenses: BS, MBA, Ph .D .
                                           Accountant (“CA”) credential .
                                                                             Profile: Dr . Stan V . Smith is a University of
        Michael D. Pakter CPA,            (Please see our resume on page 107 for further   Chicago educated economist . As president
        CFF, CGMA, CFE, CVA,              details.)                          of Smith Economics Group, economic legal
                                                                             consultants for plaintiff and defense attorneys,
        MAFF, CA, CIRA, CDBV                                                 he has provided testimony and litigation
         Gould & Pakter                      ECONOMIC DAMAGES/               support services in evaluating damages
         Associates, LLC                         LOST PROFITS                in thousands of cases nationwide . He has
                                                                             developed state-of-the-art econometric
         203 North LaSalle Street, Suite                                     analysis for: personal injury, business and
         2100                                                                other losses including those listed below . He
         Chicago, IL 60601                Michael D. Pakter CPA, CFF, CGMA,   co-authored the first textbook in the field of
         Phone: (773) 671-1950                                               forensic economics . His work has been cited
         E-mail: mpakter@litcpa .com      CFE, CVA, MAFF, CA, CIRA, CDBV     extensively in The Wall Street Journal, The
         Web: litcpa .com/michael-pakter   Gould & Pakter Associates, LLC    ABA Journal, The National Law Journal, Trial,
                                           Chicago, IL                       and elsewhere .
         Degrees/Licenses: CPA, CFF, CGMA, CFE,   Phone: (773) 671-1950
         CVA, MAFF, CA, CIRA, CDBV         E-mail: mpakter@litcpa .com     (Please see our resume on page 112 for further
         Profile: Mr . Pakter focuses his professional   (Please see our resume on page 107 for further
         practice on forensic accounting, economic   details.)
         damages, financial analyses, distressed
         businesses, fraud/financial investigations,                               ELECTRICAL
         business valuation, business economics
         and litigation support services .  He has
         provided expert services in matters involving                     Thomas H. Burtness, PE, BSEE,
         accounting, lost profits/earnings, business                       CFEI
         interruption, breach of contract, audit failure,                    Burtness Engineering Services
         analysis of financial transactions/balances,
         alter ego, bankruptcy, fraud, accounting                            White Heath, IL
         books and records and the reconstruction of                         Phone: (217) 687-4450
         incomplete, misstated and/or falsified financial                    Alt . Phone: (217) 898-8000
         information .                                                       E-mail: tom@burtnesseng .com

         Mr . Pakter provides consulting and dispute                       (Please see our resume on page 95 for further
         avoidance/resolution services to trial                            details.)
         lawyers, trustees, examiners, receivers,
         business owners and managers and units of                         ElectroQuest, LLC
         federal, state and local government .  Many                         John M. Tobias, Ph.D., P.E.
         engagements combine complex financial                               Principal Consulting Engineer
         analysis, economic damages, valuation and
         distressed business issues, often involving                         Oxford, PA
         applying many professional disciplines to                           Phone: (732) 674-2530
         assist in resolving complex commercial                              E-mail: jmt@electroquest-llc .com
         litigation and business disputes .
                                                                           (Please see our resume on page 98 for further
         Mr . Pakter has more than 45 years of                             details.)
         experience in accounting and forensic
         accounting, business economics and
         investigations in numerous industries and
         diverse engagements, including more than
         25 years of experience in economic damages
         and business valuations .  State, Federal and
         Bankruptcy Courts, as well as arbitrators, have
         recognized him as an expert in accounting,
         forensic accounting, economic damages,
         financial analysis, business valuation and
         business economics .  He has served as an
         expert witness, a Rule 30(b)(6) witness and a
         Rule 1006 witness .

         Mr. Pakter is a Certified Public Accountant
         (“CPA”), registered and licensed in the State
         of Illinois . The

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