Page 82 - ALMExperts 2025 New York Directory
P. 82
Jails ALM EXPERTS: New York Edition 2025
CODE CLM Engineering
Associates, LLC
Charles V. Campisi PO Box 4532
Senior Vice President C.J. Abraham, Stamford, CT 06907
Cyber Diligence, Inc. P.E., DFE, Ph.D., JD, DEE, FRSC, Phone: (866) 432-4677
Syosset, NY FTI, IH, CChem, ChE, CPC Fax: (204) 504-8838
Phone: (516) 342-9378 Scientific Advisory Services, LTD E-mail: clmprofessionalengineer@gmail .com
E-mail: info@CyberDiligence .com Web: http://www .clmpe .com
Great Neck, NY blank
(Please see our resume on page 161 for further Phone: (516) 482-5374 PO Box 394
details.) Cell: (516) 974-7565 Montvale, NJ 07645
E-mail: cjabraham1@gmail .com
Degrees/Licenses: BS in Civil Engineering
(Please see our resume on page 155 for further (University of Maine)
LABELS & WARNINGS details.) MBA, concentration in International Finance
(University of Bridgeport)
Andrew R. Yarmus, P.E., F.NSPE MS in Construction Administration (Columbia
C.J. Abraham, President University)
P.E., DFE, Ph.D., JD, DEE, FRSC, Yarmus Engineering, P.C.
FTI, IH, CChem, ChE, CPC New City, NY Profile: CLM Engineering Associates,
Scientific Advisory Services, LTD Phone: (845) 634-3580 LLC, concentrates its focus on forensic
engineering/expert witness evaluations for
Great Neck, NY Alt . Phone: (212) 873-0418, (914) 777-2934, the insurance industry and legal community .
Phone: (516) 482-5374 (201) 664-3540 Such evaluations include but are not limited to
Cell: (516) 974-7565 E-mail: info@YarmusEngineering .com construction defects and accidents, slips, trips
E-mail: cjabraham1@gmail .com and falls, ADA/code compliance issues, OSHA
(Please see our resume on page 183 for further non-compliance and storm event damage . We
(Please see our resume on page 155 for further details.) have experts to handle electrical engineering,
details.) mechanical engineering maritime matters
and others . In addition, we offer construction
Steven Pietropaolo CEO, MS, P.E., LADDERS/SCAFFOLDS management, civil engineering, value
CFEI, DFE engineering and building inspection services .
LGI Forensic Engineering, P.C. We have experience in being deposed and
serving as trial consultants . Numerous cases
North White Plains, NY John Morse, Ph.D., PE have already settled/went to trial and we
Phone: (914) 670-0208 John S. Morse, PE maintain an active caseload of work . We have
E-mail: steve@lgiforensic .com 3118 Strunk Rd advised numerous clients with respect to their
Fluvanna, NY 14701 current and potential structural issues related
(Please see our resume on page 172 for further Phone: (479) 233-9785 to the acquisition and disposition of real estate
details.) E-mail: jmorse-pe@sbcglobal .net (both residential and commercial), performed
Web: https://http://www .jmorse-pe .com costs estimates/projections and have vast
Rapperport Associates, Inc. experience in performing quality assurance
Daniel Rapperport Degrees/Licenses: PhD, Mechanical inspections for high-rise apartment buildings
Lexington, MA Engineering and rental communities in both Connecticut
and New Jersey .
Phone: (781) 862-9001 BS, Mechanical Engineering
Licensed professional engineer in multiple
Cell: (339) 222-2822 states
E-mail: dan@rapperport .com (Please see our resume on page 174 for further
Profile: Has investigated over 675 ladder/
(Please see our resume on page 176 for further climbing equipment accidents involving step,
details.) Andrew R. Yarmus, P.E., F.NSPE
fixed, extension, articulated, combination, President
rolling, orchard, and telescoping ladders,
folding attic stairways, fixed stairways, and Yarmus Engineering, P.C.
LABOR LAW scaffolds . Has appeared on three nationally New City, NY
televised news magazines (Inside Edition, Phone: (845) 634-3580
20/20 and Extra) to discuss shopping cart Alt . Phone: (212) 873-0418, (914) 777-2934,
C.J. Abraham, safety. Has investigated fires and explosions, (201) 664-3540
P.E., DFE, Ph.D., JD, DEE, FRSC, heavy truck accidents, industrial accidents, E-mail: info@YarmusEngineering .com
oilfield accidents, guarding, warnings, and
FTI, IH, CChem, ChE, CPC plumbing failures . (Please see our resume on page 183 for further
Scientific Advisory Services, LTD details.)
Great Neck, NY Over twenty-eight years experience as
Phone: (516) 482-5374 consulting engineer .
Cell: (516) 974-7565
E-mail: cjabraham1@gmail .com
(Please see our resume on page 155 for further
68 Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness