Page 87 - ALMExperts 2025 New York Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: New York Edition 2025 Marketing
Goodman-Marks Associates, Inc. Chuck Malkus
MARITIME LAW Matthew J. Guzowski, President Professor, ASJA Author, NSA
Mineola, NY Speaker
Phone: (516) 248-9777 Jacksonville, FL
Craig L. Moskowitz, P.E. E-mail: mguzowski@goodmanmarks .com Phone: (954) 815-5924
CLM Engineering blank New York, NY E-mail: cmalkus@malkus .com
Associates, LLC Phone: (212) 324-2860 (Please see our resume on page 173 for further
PO Box 4532 E-mail: mguzowski@goodmanmarks .com details.)
Stamford, CT 06907
Phone: (866) 432-4677 Morristown, NJ
Fax: (204) 504-8838 Phone: (973) 285-3195
E-mail: clmprofessionalengineer@gmail .com E-mail: mguzowski@goodmanmarks .com MARKETING
Web: http://www .clmpe .com
(Please see our resume on page 171 for further
PO Box 394 details.) Dr. Larry Chiagouris, PH.D.
Montvale, NJ 07645 Managing Director
BrandMarketing Services, LTD.
Degrees/Licenses: BS in Civil Engineering MARKET RESEARCH
(University of Maine) Boca Grande, FL
MBA, concentration in International Finance Phone: (917) 902-2610
(University of Bridgeport) E-mail: lchiagouris@aol .com
MS in Construction Administration (Columbia Dr. Larry Chiagouris, PH.D.
University) Managing Director (Please see our complete listing under the
BrandMarketing Services, LTD. following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
Profile: CLM Engineering Associates, Boca Grande, FL Advertising)
LLC, concentrates its focus on forensic Phone: (917) 902-2610
engineering/expert witness evaluations for E-mail: lchiagouris@aol .com
the insurance industry and legal community .
Such evaluations include but are not limited to (Please see our complete listing under the
construction defects and accidents, slips, trips following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
and falls, ADA/code compliance issues, OSHA Advertising)
non-compliance and storm event damage . We
have experts to handle electrical engineering, Dr. Michael A. Kamins Chuck Malkus
mechanical engineering maritime matters Professor, ASJA Author,
and others . In addition, we offer construction Professor of Marketing and NSA Speaker
management, civil engineering, value Research Director Emeritus- Jacksonville, FL
engineering and building inspection services . Stony Brook University Phone: (954) 815-5924
We have experience in being deposed and E-mail: cmalkus@malkus .com
serving as trial consultants . Numerous cases 6401 Warner Drive Web: chuckmalkus .com
have already settled/went to trial and we Los Angeles, CA 90048
maintain an active caseload of work . We have Phone: (323) 868-9507 Profile: A renowned communications
advised numerous clients with respect to their Fax: (323) 931-0258 professional, Chuck Malkus has 37+ years
current and potential structural issues related E-mail: michaelakaminsconsultants@gmail . with leadership developing marketing and
to the acquisition and disposition of real estate com public relations strategies for Fortune 500
(both residential and commercial), performed corporations . An author of four books, his
costs estimates/projections and have vast Degrees/Licenses: BBA, MBA - Baruch specialization includes crisis management EXPERT CATEGORIES
experience in performing quality assurance College; PhD - NYU and reputation damage . His agency work
inspections for high-rise apartment buildings includes serving as a chief strategy officer
and rental communities in both Connecticut Profile: I have an expertise in marketing and he provides interviews for TV networks
and New Jersey . research, questionnaire design, and marketing
strategy . I focus on false advertising, including CNBC and Fox Business . Television
development includes serving as an executive
(Please see our resume on page 174 for further trademark issues, inclusive of secondary producer for a 2021 Netflix series. He has
details.) meaning, confusion and dilution . My research worked broadly in advertising, branding,
deals with celebrity advertising, pioneer
brands, rumor, auction behavior, and the business development and reputation
management . A prominent consumer behavior
MARKET RENT STUDIES impact of color on consumer perceptions . I authority, he’s recognized for launching new
have testified nine times both in federal and
state courts and have been deposed over brands and start-up businesses . Mr . Malkus
fifty times. I have worked for celebrities such has been described by The Miami Herald as
Jeffrey J. Beal as Muhammad Ali, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, a “public relations guru” and is a professor at
President Bill Medley, the Rock group Boston, Taylor Florida Atlantic University .
Real Estate Solutions Swift, The Doors (Estate of Jim Morrison), (Please see our resume on page 173 for further
as well as Hilton Hotels, Lexus, Bank One,
Rye Brook, NY and Pinkberry . I worked for Samsung in the details.)
Phone: (914) 690-0166 Apple/Samung patent case and for Facebook
E-mail: resol .jb@gmail .com and against President Trump in the Trump
University class action . Most recently I worked
(Please see our resume on page 158 for further for Fox against Dominion and for the Coca
details.) Cola Company in their dispute against the
Hansen family . Fee for deposition, trial and
consultation: $950/hr .
Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness 73