Page 84 - ALMExperts 2025 New York Directory
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Law Enforcement Tactics                                          ALM EXPERTS: New York Edition 2025
        Charles V. Campisi
         Senior Vice President               LAW FIRM VALUATION                   LEGAL BILLING
         Cyber Diligence, Inc.                                                      GUIDELINES
         Syosset, NY
         Phone: (516) 342-9378            Ronald G. Quintero, CPA, CFA,
         E-mail: info@CyberDiligence .com
                                          ABV, CDBV, CFE, CFF, CIRA, CMA,   Steven A. Tasher, Esq.
                                          CTP                                Chief Executive Officer
        (Please see our resume on page 161 for further
        details.)                          Chartered Capital Advisers, Inc.  Wyatt Partners
                                           New York, NY                      Berkeley Heights, NJ
                                           Phone: (212) 327-0200             Phone: (908) 561-7483
            LAW ENFORCEMENT                Cell: (201) 220-9181              E-mail: stasher@wyattpartners .com
                                           E-mail: q@charteredcapital .com
                  TACTICS                                                  (Please see our resume on page 182 for further
                                          (Please see our resume on page 163 for further   details.)
        Joseph J. Blaettler AAS, BS, MS,
        CPM                               Michael J. Garibaldi, CPA/ABV/CFF/        LEGAL FEES
         East Coast Private Investigations   CGMA
         of New Jersey, LLC                Garibaldi Group
         Morristown, NJ                    Garden City, NY                 Steven A. Tasher, Esq.
         Phone: (973) 725-9677             Phone: (516) 288-7400             Chief Executive Officer
         E-mail: Jblaettler@ecpinj .com    E-mail: michael@garibaldicpas .com, lisa@  Wyatt Partners
                                           garibaldicpas .com
        (Please see our resume on page 160 for further                       Berkeley Heights, NJ
                                                                             Phone: (908) 561-7483
        details.)                         (Please see our resume on page 169 for further
                                          details.)                          E-mail: stasher@wyattpartners .com
        Charles V. Campisi                                                 (Please see our resume on page 182 for further
         Senior Vice President                                             details.)
         Cyber Diligence, Inc.               LEASE ACCOUNTING
         Syosset, NY
         Phone: (516) 342-9378            Jeffrey J. Beal                       LEGAL/LITIGATION
         E-mail: info@CyberDiligence .com                                            SUPPORT
        (Please see our resume on page 161 for further   Real Estate Solutions
        details.)                          Rye Brook, NY                   Ronald G. Quintero, CPA, CFA,
                                           Phone: (914) 690-0166           ABV, CDBV, CFE, CFF, CIRA, CMA,
                                           E-mail: resol .jb@gmail .com
            LAW ENFORCEMENT                                                CTP
                  TRAINING                (Please see our resume on page 158 for further   Chartered Capital Advisers, Inc.
                                                                             New York, NY
                                                                             Phone: (212) 327-0200
        Joseph J. Blaettler AAS, BS, MS,       LEASE RESIDUAL                Cell: (201) 220-9181
                                                                             E-mail: q@charteredcapital .com
         East Coast Private Investigations        VALUATION                (Please see our resume on page 163 for further
         of New Jersey, LLC                                                details.)
         Morristown, NJ                   Jeffrey J. Beal
         Phone: (973) 725-9677             President
         E-mail: Jblaettler@ecpinj .com                                       LEVERAGED BUYOUTS
                                           Real Estate Solutions
        (Please see our resume on page 160 for further   Rye Brook, NY
        details.)                          Phone: (914) 690-0166           Dr. James J. Carroll, CPA
                                           E-mail: resol .jb@gmail .com      Bridgewater, NJ
        Charles V. Campisi                                                   Cell: (908) 581-7727
         Senior Vice President            (Please see our resume on page 158 for further   E-mail: drjamesjcarrollcpa@gmail .com,
         Cyber Diligence, Inc.                                               drjamesjcarrollcpa@yahoo .com
         Syosset, NY                                                       (Please see our resume on page 162 for further
         Phone: (516) 342-9378                   LEGAL AUDIT
         E-mail: info@CyberDiligence .com                                  details.)
        (Please see our resume on page 161 for further
        details.)                         Steven A. Tasher, Esq.              LIFE CARE PLANNING
                                           Chief Executive Officer                  (BUSINESS)
                                           Wyatt Partners
                                           Berkeley Heights, NJ
                                           Phone: (908) 561-7483           Dr. James J. Carroll, CPA
                                           E-mail: stasher@wyattpartners .com  Bridgewater, NJ
                                                                             Cell: (908) 581-7727
                                          (Please see our resume on page 182 for further   E-mail: drjamesjcarrollcpa@gmail .com,
                                          details.)                          drjamesjcarrollcpa@yahoo .com
                                                                           (Please see our resume on page 162 for further

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