Page 144 - ALMExperts 2025 Southwestern Directory
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Optometry                                                     ALM EXPERTS: Southwestern Edition 2025

                OPTOMETRY                     PAIN & SUFFERING             Robert Groysman, MD
                                                 EVALUATIONS                 220 O’Connor Ridge Blvd,
                                                                             Suite 105
        Carolyn R. Carman, OD,                                               Irving , TX 75038
        FAAO                              Accredited Psychiatry & Medicine   Phone: (214) 560-2000
         Dallas Fort Worth-Texas/          Harold J. Bursztajn, M.D.         Fax: (214) 560-2555
                                                                             E-mail: rgroysman@
         Nationwide                        Cambridge, MA
         Phone: (817) 925-3509             Phone: (617) 492-8366             reliefbeginshere .com
                                                                             Web: Reliefbeginshere .com
         E-mail: [email protected]
                                           E-mail: hbursztajn@hms .harvard .edu
                                                                             Degrees/Licenses: Diplomat of American
         Degrees/Licenses: Doctor of Optometry;   (Please see our resume on page 184 for further   board of anesthesiology and American board
         Board Certified Diplomate, American Board   details.)               of pain medicine .
         of Optometry; Hospital-based residency
         certified; Fellow, American Academy of
         Optometry                                                           Profile: Dr . Robert Groysman, MD, is a highly
                                              PAIN MANAGEMENT                esteemed medical professional renowned for
         Profile: Visual impairment, low vision, visual                      his expertise in the fields of pain management
                                                                             and anesthesiology . With a robust academic
         field or acuity loss, legal blindness, double                       background, including advanced training
         vision or eye movement impairment, vision   Richard J. Frances, M.D.
         rehabilitation or other visual deficits due   Psychiatry            and board certification in his specialties, Dr.
                                                                             Groysman brings a wealth of knowledge and
         to eye injury or ocular disease including                           clinical experience to his role as an expert
         retinal detachment, glaucoma, retinopathy,   New York, NY           witness in legal cases .
                                           Phone: (212) 861-0570
         neuropathy, or brain injury, stroke, or tumors .   Cell: 914-217-4417

         Professional Experience:          E-mail: rfrancesmd@gmail .com     In car accident cases, Dr . Groysman’s insights
                                                                             are invaluable . He has a deep understanding
         30+ years of clinical practice including 20                         of the mechanisms of injury and the resultant
         years in private practice in therapeutic and   (Please see our complete listing under the   pain and suffering experienced by victims .
         rehabilitative optometry specializing in visual   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   His ability to meticulously analyze medical
         impairment, Clinical Professor and Director   Addiction (Psychiatry))
         at University of Houston, national and                              records, accident reports, and patient
                                                                             testimonies allows him to provide clear
         international lecturer, honor and awards .  Kathleen Fraser MSN, M. Juris, RN-  explanation of acute and traumatic injuries
                                          BC, CCM, CRRN, FAAN                from preexisting and chronic problems .
        (Please see our resume on page 185 for further   Fraser Imagineers   His work mainly focuses on defense,
                                           Katy, TX                          combatting fraudulent charges, excessive
                                           Phone: (281) 728-7273             billing, inappropriate use of CPT coding, and
                                           E-mail: kfraser@fraserimagineers .com  inappropriate medical care .  His testimony can
               ORTHOPEDICS                                                   elucidate the connection between the accident
                                          (Please see our resume on page 187 for further   and the medical conditions of the plaintiffs,
                                          details.)                          thereby assisting the court in understanding
        Arnold J. Weil, MD                                                   complex medical issues .
         Non-Surgical Orthopaedics                                             Similarly, in medical malpractice cases,
         Marietta, GA                                                        Dr . Groysman’s expertise is critical . His
         Phone: (770) 883-4854                                               extensive experience in pain management
         E-mail: arnoldweilmd@gmail .com                                     and anesthesiology positions him to scrutinize
                                                                             the standards of care provided by medical
                                                                             practitioners . He can identify deviations from
        (Please see our resume on page 192 for further                       accepted medical practices and evaluate
        details.)                                                            whether such deviations have led to patient
                                                                             harm . His articulate and precise testimony
                                                                             helps juries and judges grasp the intricacies of
                                                                             medical treatments and procedures, making
                                                                             him a formidable asset in litigation involving
                                                                             allegations of medical negligence .

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