Page 145 - ALMExperts 2025 Southwestern Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: Southwestern Edition 2025                                            Pediatric Trauma

            Arnold J. Weil, MD                   PEDIATRIC EPILEPSY             PEDIATRIC PSYCHOLOGY
             335 Roselane St .               Elizabeth A. Lambeth
             Marietta, GA 30060                Owner, Clinical Adminstrator
             Phone: (770) 883-4854             Louisiana Care Partners, LLC
             Fax: (770) 234-5526               Lafayette, LA
             E-mail: arnoldweilmd@gmail .com   Phone: (318) 451-3989
             Web: https://drweil .lowbackpain .com  E-mail: msliz4kidz@gmail .com  Elizabeth A. Lambeth
            blank                                                               Owner, Clinical Adminstrator
             Web: arnoldweilmd .com          (Please see our resume on page 189 for further
                                             details.)                          Louisiana Care Partners, LLC
             Degrees/Licenses: MD (licensed in Florida                          600 Jefferson Street, Suite 710
             and Georgia)                                                       Lafayette, LA 70501
                                                      PEDIATRIC                 Phone: (318) 451-3989
             MBA                                                                Fax: (337) 573-4307
                                                 NEUROPSYCHOLOGY                E-mail: msliz4kidz@gmail .com
             Profile: Arnold J . Weil, MD, has been in
             clinical practice for over 31 years, treating                      Degrees/Licenses: Bachelor of Science
             patients with back and neck pain, and a variety   Elizabeth A. Lambeth  in Nursing 1993; Master of Science in
             of other orthopaedic conditions . Focusing   Owner, Clinical Adminstrator  Psychology; PhD in General Psychology (in
             on a Non-Surgical approach, Dr . Weil has                          progress)
             become one of the leading experts on spine   Louisiana Care Partners, LLC
             care and pain management . Providing expert   Lafayette, LA        RN 90512 : Active since 1977
             opinions for plaintiffs and defendants, Dr . Weil   Phone: (318) 451-3989
             has maintained an unbiased reputation in the   E-mail: msliz4kidz@gmail .com  Profile: As a Clinical and Administrative
             medical and legal community . Experience                           Provider for almost 50 years, I consider myself
             includes over 300 depositions, medical-legal   (Please see our resume on page 189 for further   to be well qualified in several specialized
             reviews, and trial appearances . Areas of   details.)              areas such as Pediatrics, Intensive Care,
             expertise include:                                                 Psychology . and I am particularly interested in
             * Back / Spine Injury                                              offering my services as an Expert .
             * Disc Herniation                   PEDIATRIC NURSING              I have extensive experience and academic
             * Disability Management                                            preparation and training in Evidence Based
             * Pain Management                                                  Trauma Services including Child Parent
             * Peer Review                                                      Psychotherapy , and owned and operated a
             * Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation   Elizabeth A. Lambeth        large and very busy Autism and Therapy
             * Workers’ Compensation           Owner, Clinical Adminstrator     Center to offer services to the underserved
             * PRP and Stem Cell Injections    Louisiana Care Partners, LLC     rural communities of Louisiana and
                                               Lafayette, LA                    implemented a robust Telehealth system to
            (Please see our resume on page 192 for further   Phone: (318) 451-3989  meet the needs of this population .
            details.)                          E-mail: msliz4kidz@gmail .com
                                                                                Due to COVID restrictions I diversified my
                                                                                practice to a multi site interdisciplinary
                                             (Please see our resume on page 189 for further   approach and completed my Master of
                                             details.)                          Science degree in Psychology at Purdue
                                                                                University during this time . I am currently
                                                                                enrolled in a PhD in Psychology program at
                                                      PEDIATRIC                 Liberty University with the goal of becoming a
                                                  OPHTHALMOLOGY                 Licensed Clinical, Psychologist specializing in
                                                                                Pediatric and Adolescent Trauma . I currently
                                                                                have locations throughout Louisiana and have
                                                                                several active Telehealth portals available .
                                             Carolyn R. Carman, OD, FAAO        I am specifically interested in providing
                                               Phone: (817) 925-3509            consultant services and Expert Witness
                                                                                services in Pediatric Psychology and Trauma .
                                             (Please see our resume on page 185 for further
                                             details.)                         (Please see our resume on page 189 for further  MEDICAL EXPERTS

                                                                                   PEDIATRIC TRAUMA

                                                                               Elizabeth A. Lambeth
                                                                                Owner, Clinical Adminstrator
                                                                                Louisiana Care Partners, LLC
                                                                                Lafayette, LA
                                                                                Phone: (318) 451-3989
                                                                                E-mail: msliz4kidz@gmail .com
                                                                               (Please see our resume on page 189 for further

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                             131
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