Page 146 - ALMExperts 2025 Southwestern Directory
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Pediatrics                                                    ALM EXPERTS: Southwestern Edition 2025
                                                                           Robert Groysman, MD
                 PEDIATRICS                        PHYSICAL                  Irving , TX
                                                                             Phone: (214) 560-2000
                                               REHABILITATION                E-mail: rgroysman@reliefbeginshere .com
        Accredited Psychiatry & Medicine                                   (Please see our complete listing under the
         Harold J. Bursztajn, M.D.        Arnold J. Weil, MD               following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
         Cambridge, MA                     Non-Surgical Orthopaedics       Pain Management)
         Phone: (617) 492-8366             Marietta, GA
         E-mail: hbursztajn@hms .harvard .edu  Phone: (770) 883-4854       Alissa Sherry, Ph.D., ABPP
                                           E-mail: arnoldweilmd@gmail .com   Munevar Sherry, PLLC
        (Please see our resume on page 184 for further
        details.)                         blank                              Austin, TX
                                                                             Phone: (512) 695-9878
                                          (Please see our resume on page 192 for further   E-mail: asherry@munevarsherry .com
                 PEDIATRICS                                                (Please see our resume on page 190 for further
             PSYCHOTHERAPY                                                 details.)
                                              PHYSICAL THERAPY
        Elizabeth A. Lambeth                                                PSYCHIATRIC DISABILITY
         Owner, Clinical Adminstrator     Carolyn R. Carman, OD, FAAO
         Louisiana Care Partners, LLC      Phone: (817) 925-3509           Accredited Psychiatry & Medicine
         Lafayette, LA
         Phone: (318) 451-3989            (Please see our resume on page 185 for further   Harold J. Bursztajn, M.D.
         E-mail: msliz4kidz@gmail .com    details.)                          Cambridge, MA
                                                                             Phone: (617) 492-8366
        (Please see our resume on page 189 for further                       E-mail: hbursztajn@hms .harvard .edu
        details.)                         POST TRAUMATIC STRESS
                                                   DISORDER                (Please see our resume on page 184 for further
                PEER REVIEW
                                          Accredited Psychiatry & Medicine  Richard J. Frances, M.D.
                                           Harold J. Bursztajn, M.D.         Psychiatry
        Arnold J. Weil, MD                 Cambridge, MA                     New York, NY
         Non-Surgical Orthopaedics         Phone: (617) 492-8366             Phone: (212) 861-0570
                                                                             Cell: 914-217-4417
         Marietta, GA                      E-mail: hbursztajn@hms .harvard .edu  E-mail: rfrancesmd@gmail .com
         Phone: (770) 883-4854
         E-mail: arnoldweilmd@gmail .com  (Please see our resume on page 184 for further   (Please see our complete listing under the
        blank                                                              following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
                                                                           Addiction (Psychiatry))
        (Please see our resume on page 192 for further   Richard J. Frances, M.D.
        details.)                          Psychiatry
                                           New York, NY                            PSYCHIATRIC
                                           Phone: (212) 861-0570
              PHARMACOLOGY                 Cell: 914-217-4417                      EVALUATIONS
                                           E-mail: rfrancesmd@gmail .com
        Dr. James C. Norris               (Please see our complete listing under the   Accredited Psychiatry & Medicine
         Expert Witness in Toxicology and   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   Harold J. Bursztajn, M.D.
         Pharmacology                     Addiction (Psychiatry))            Cambridge, MA
         Benton, AR                       Kathleen Fraser MSN, M. Juris, RN-  Phone: (617) 492-8366
                                                                             E-mail: hbursztajn@hms .harvard .edu
         Phone: (815) 955-5838            BC, CCM, CRRN, FAAN
         E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net
                                           Fraser Imagineers               (Please see our resume on page 184 for further
        (Please see our resume on page 173 for further   Katy, TX          details.)
        details.)                          Phone: (281) 728-7273
                                           E-mail: kfraser@fraserimagineers .com  George S. Glass, MD
                                                                             Houston, TX
            PHYSICAL MEDICINE             (Please see our resume on page 187 for further   Phone: (713) 666-9811
                                          details.)                          E-mail: gdoc123@aol .com
        Arnold J. Weil, MD                George S. Glass, MD              (Please see our resume on page 188 for further
         Non-Surgical Orthopaedics         Houston, TX
                                           Phone: (713) 666-9811
         Marietta, GA                      E-mail: gdoc123@aol .com
         Phone: (770) 883-4854
         E-mail: arnoldweilmd@gmail .com  (Please see our resume on page 188 for further
        (Please see our resume on page 192 for further

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