Lean Adviser Legal

Lean Adviser Legal

October 27, 2023 | Lean Adviser

24. EQ Was On Full Display At  WIPL

One of the recurring themes was how the practice of law is ultimately about people, and how EQ can be the secret sauce to elevate both leadership and client service.

By Lean Adviser Legal

2 minute read

October 20, 2023 | Lean Adviser

23. GC Pay Is Improving, But It's Still Mission Impossible

Whatever job the GC did before, the transition to GC is an unfathomable leap for which there is no training. Many of the job specs which boards give to recruiters now look like mission impossible.

By Lean Adviser Legal

3 minute read

October 13, 2023 | Lean Adviser

22. Is Emotional Intelligence Disruptive or Directional?

Part 4 of the "Does EQ Make Women Better Leaders?" Series Like any other aspect of diversity, or pro bono, or ESG, EQ's attributes interrupt the way law firms and departments operate, but in a good way, a directional way. They advance the profession.

By Lean Adviser Legal

2 minute read

October 05, 2023 | Lean Adviser

21. Is the Power of EQ Equal for Both In-House and Law Firms?

Part 3 of the "Does EQ Make Women Better Leaders?" Series To some extent, the same factors exist in-house and at law firms. All organizations need a balance of voices, and can operate to their own detriment if they put women in leadership positions for metrics, without actually hearing them. In both places, the best you can be, as a man or a woman, is your authentic self. But then it gets more nuanced.

By Lean Adviser Legal

2 minute read

September 29, 2023 | Lean Adviser

20. Authenticity and Its Role in EQ Leadership

Part 2 of the "Does EQ Make Women Better Leaders?" Series What do women have to make sure their voices are heard? There's a direct read across to lean law. Just as it's easier to deploy your lean skills in some firms than others, so it is with your EQ and people-leading skills. In both cases, however difficult the operating environment, you will come out ahead when you can be your true, authentic best self.

By Lean Adviser Legal

2 minute read

September 22, 2023 | Lean Adviser

19. Does EQ Make Women Better Leaders?

Part 1 of the "Does EQ Make Women Better Leaders?" Series Emotional intelligence can be defined as skills people use to manage their own emotions wisely, to maximize their chances of influencing others constructively, and achieve their goals. Studies have shown that women are more naturally gifted with EQ than men. This first lesson in a series asks why that is.

By Lean Adviser Legal

3 minute read

September 13, 2023 | Lean Adviser

36. Let's All Comply With the Wrong Thing

The best type of compliance leads not just to transparency and accountability, but also to efficiency and effectiveness. Find those standards, imbue them into your business culture, and look forward to a lifetime of repeat business.

By Lean Adviser Legal

3 minute read

September 13, 2023 | Lean Adviser

Lean Law Outside Counsel Guidelines

Lean Adviser's Outside Counsel Guidelines clearly and succinctly describe the client service standards to which firms should aspire if they want repeat business.

By Lean Adviser Legal

1 minute read

September 08, 2023 | Lean Adviser

35. Let's Blame The Clients, That Always Ends Well

Associates blame partners for work-life balance issues, while partners push responsibility along to clients with their unreasonable expectations. This is a perfect reminder of the disconnect that still exists in the 3-sided legal market.

By Lean Adviser Legal

2 minute read

July 28, 2023 | Lean Adviser

38. Why Do Law Firms Provide Coffee?

As you grab your 1st coffee of the day, or maybe your 3rd, do you ever wonder why your law firm gives out free coffee? Is it for your well-being or even mental alertness? Is it by convention? Is it magnanimity? it's none of the above. It's all about perceived productivity. It's so you don't leave the office and go to the coffee shop across the street.

By Lean Adviser Legal

3 minute read