Page 146 - ALMExperts 2025 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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Intangible Assets Valuation                      ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2025

        Robert J. Worth,                  Fulcrum Inquiry                  Joel Delman
        Professional Law                   Renee Howdeshell                  Informed Innovation
        Corporation                        12121 Wilshire Boulevard,         Inc.
         dba Law Offices of                Suite 810                         2176 W 24th Street
         Robert J. Worth                   Los Angeles, CA 90025             Los Angeles, CA 90018
                                           Phone: (213) 787-4112
         Attorney-at-Law                   Fax: (213) 891-1300               Phone: (773) 517-1862
                                                                             E-mail: joel@informedinnovationinc .com
         23801 Calabasas Road              E-mail: rhowdeshell@fulcrum .com  Web: http://www .informedinnovationinc .com
         Suite 2033                        Web: http://www .fulcrum .com
         Calabasas, CA 91302                                                 Profile: Formerly a corporate lawyer, I
         Phone: (818) 222-2433             Degrees/Licenses: CPA, CFE, ABD/Masters   graduated Harvard Law School and later
         Fax: (818) 222-2139               in Economics                      earned a Master’s in Industrial Design
         Toll Free Phone: (800) 978-1529 (California                         at Pratt Institute . From toys to complex
         Only)                             Profile: Our analysis, research and unique   medical devices, I’ve spent nearly 30 years
         E-mail: robert@robertworthlaw .com,   presentation techniques, presented through   guiding innovation through strategic product
         worth4law@aol .com                clear and compelling expert witness testimony,   development, and have helped hundreds
         Web: http://www .worth4law .com   provide an unequaled track record in   of clients bridge the elusive gap between
                                           successful court cases and client recoveries .   creative insight and commercial success .
         Degrees/Licenses: B .A ., M .A . (Education);   We are led by Renee Howdeshell and
         Licensed CA Attorney              Nicole Liska, with a depth of professional   As design consultant to a broad range of
                                           resources to deliver on near-term deadlines,   markets and industries, I keep my finger
         Profile: Attorney with superior expert   serving all industries worldwide . Our   on the pulse of critical trends in consumer
         witness qualifications and experience in   expertise encompasses economic damages   electronics, medical devices, transportation,
         the following areas: Insurance bad faith,   analyses, lost profit & disgorgement studies,   IOT, toys, and a host of other product
         claims handling and processing, coverage   business & intangible asset valuations, fraud   categories . With clients including LG
         analysis, investigation/evaluation/negotiation   investigations, statistics, forensic accounting,   Electronics, Swingline, Kimberly Clark,
         of claims, timely communications and   royalty audits, class action certification &   Olympus, Qualcomm, Novartis, Fisher Price,
         settlement aspects; water and mold damage   damages, injury & wrongful death damages,   Blackberry, Dell, Intel, Disney and Hallmark,
         cases in homeowner policies; 1st party UM   wrongful termination & other employment   I bring that foundation of understanding to
         claims; commercial liability cases involving   damages, and more . We thoughtfully   my work as design expert witness, and it has
         analysis of covered employees verses   incorporate technology for thorough results at   proven invaluable to developing effective
         independent contractors status in wrongful   a more reasonable cost and provide free initial   litigation strategies and legal arguments .
         death; commercial manufacture breach of   consultations .
         contract; analysis of efficient proximate cause;                    The focus of my work includes the design of
         all risk and stated peril homeowner policies;   (Please see our resume on page 360 for further   compelling aesthetic solutions and brands,
         misrepresentation; bad faith issues; failure   details.)            as well as the development of novel features,
         to defend matters; adequate investigation                           functionality, and business models which allow
         and risk analysis, statute of limitations and   Phillips, Fractor & Company, LLC.  clients to engage user needs and capitalize
         denial of coverage issues, just to mention   G. Michael Phillips    on profitable market opportunities. I’m named
         some areas of experience among others .                             inventor on over 40 US design and utility
         Experience and expertise includes nearly   Pasadena, CA             patents, and serve as Chair of The Industrial
                                           Phone: (626) 744-3540
         fifteen years at Farmers Insurance Group as                         Designers Society of America’s (IDSA) Design
         a senior liability Claims Adjuster and National   E-mail: contactpfc@rule26 .com  Protection Committee .
         Claims Training Administrator; responsible
         for training of liability claims adjusters, claims   (Please see our resume on page 378 for further   I have served as expert witness on over 30
         supervisors, managers and publication of   details.)                cases involving design patents, trade dress
         in-house training texts; qualified to testify for                   and utility patents, for which I have written
         property/water loss claims involving wind                           expert reports on infringement, validity
         driven rain damage in Los Angeles County   INTELLECTUAL             and article of manufacture, and provided
         Superior Court . Successful handling of   PROPERTY                  deposition and court testimony .
         insurance bad faith claims as an attorney .
         Consulting and referral of bad faith claims also                    Industrial design expert witness and litigation
         welcome .                                                           support relating to: Design Patent Infringement
                                          Theodore Menadier                  | Design Patent Validity | Utility Patent
        (Please see our complete listing under the   Approach One LLC        Infringement | Utility Patent Validity | Trade
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Littleton, CO      Dress | Article of Manufacture | Functionality
        Insurance Practices & Standards)   Phone: (717) 357 0148             | Secondary Meaning | Likelihood of Confusion
                                           E-mail: tmeadier@gmail .com
                                                                           (Please see our resume on page 349 for further
            INTANGIBLE ASSETS             (Please see our resume on page 398 for further   details.)
                 VALUATION                details.)                        eCompCONSULTANTS
                                          Gila Bronshtein                    Ivan Zatkovich
        BTI Appraisal                      EconMetrics                       Principal Consultant
         Ben F. Tunnell III                Vancouver, WA                     Tampa, FL
                                           Phone: 6506446979
         Chairman                          E-mail: gbronshtein@econ-metrics .com  Phone: (813) 601-8142
                                                                             E-mail: ivanzat@ecompconsultants .com
         Glendale, CA
         Phone: (213) 532-3800            (Please see our complete listing under the   (Please see our resume on page 352 for further
         E-mail: ben@btiappraisal .com    following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   details.)
        (Please see our complete listing under the
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:

        124                                                       Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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