Page 94 - ALMExperts 2024 Midwestern Directory
P. 94
Peer Review ALM EXPERTS: Midwestern Edition 2024
Bruce E Williams, DPM
Elmwood Park, IL
Phone: (219) 510 3847
Seana Rutherford Richard T. Braver, E-mail: DrWilliams@footpainexpertwitness .
DNP, MSN, APRN, FNP-C, CWS, DPM, Board Certified com
WCC Podiatric Surgeon (Please see our complete listing under the
Legal Wound Consulting LLC Director, Active Foot & following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
Brooklyn, OH Ankle Care, LLC Podiatry)
Phone: (216) 331-6750 4-14 Saddle River Rd .
E-mail: amber@lakeeffecthealth .com Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
Phone: (201) 791-1881 PODIATRIC TRAUMA
(Please see our resume on page 120 for further Fax: (201) 791-6177
details.) E-mail: drrun@aol .com, robin .drrun@gmail .
com Richard T. Braver, DPM, Board
Web: http://www .DrRun .com Certified Podiatric Surgeon
140 Grand Avenue Director, Active Foot & Ankle
Englewood, NJ 07631 Care, LLC
Dr. James C. Norris Phone: (201) 791-1881 Fair Lawn, NJ
Fax: (201) 791-6177
Expert Witness in Toxicology and E-mail: DrRun@aol .com, robin .drrun@gmail . Phone: (201) 791-1881
E-mail: drrun@aol .com, robin .drrun@gmail .
Pharmacology com com
Benton, AR Web: http://www .DrRun .com blank
Phone: (815) 955-5838 blank Englewood, NJ
E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net 44 Route 23 North Phone: (201) 791-1881
Riverdale, NJ 07457 E-mail: DrRun@aol .com, robin .drrun@gmail .
(Please see our resume on page 106 for further Phone: (201) 791-1881 com
details.) Fax: (201) 791-6177 blank
E-mail: DrRun@aol .com, robin .drrun@gmail . Riverdale, NJ
com Phone: (201) 791-1881
PLACENTAL PATHOLOGY Web: http://www .DrRun .com E-mail: DrRun@aol .com, robin .drrun@gmail .
Profile: Providing plaintiff and defense work
as a foot and ankle specialist-podiatric expert (Please see our complete listing under the
Carole Vogler, MD for all states, with exception of conflict of following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
Saint Louis University interest . Medical Evaluation and Treatment Foot & Ankle)
Department of Pathology of all Podiatric Pains and Injuries including
1402 S GRAND BLVD diabetic ulcer care, Nerve Injuries, bunion, Bruce E Williams, DPM
toe and other foot/ankle problems along with
St . Louis, MO 63104 fracture and revision surgical care of the Foot Pain Expert Witness
Phone: (314) 402-7881 foot and ankle . Dr Braver performs IME’s Elmwood Park, IL
Alt . Phone: (314) 617-2851 of the Foot & Ankle, Peer Review, Personal Phone: (219) 510 3847
Fax: (314) 617-2784 Injury Evaluation and Treatment, Workers E-mail: DrWilliams@footpainexpertwitness .
E-mail: voglerca@slu .edu
Compensation Evaluation, Medical Record com
and Standard of Care Review, Second
Degrees/Licenses: BS; MD, University of Opinions, and Expert Witness Testimony . (Please see our complete listing under the
Missouri - Columbia, MO He is in practice at a busy podiatric center in following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
Licensed in Missouri Northern New Jersey and treats Children and Podiatry)
Adults and has X-ray on sight .
Profile: Board certified in anatomic, clinical
and pediatric pathology . I provide expert Dr . Braver has Reconstructive Foot &
review and interpretation of pathology findings Ankle privileges at Hackensack University PODIATRY
along with review of medical records for Medical Center in NJ . He is currently the
pediatric and obstetrical cases for plaintiffs team podiatrist for several professional
and defendants . I routinely review cases with and college sports teams . He also has a Richard T. Braver, DPM, Board
autopsy or tissue findings, and cases in which wealth of knowledge and experience in the Certified Podiatric Surgeon
the placenta or autopsy could provide an manufacturing and design of shoes/sneakers . Director, Active Foot & Ankle
explanation for a poor pregnancy outcome . He has offices in Fair Lawn, Englewood, and
Riverdale, NJ . Care, LLC
Fair Lawn, NJ
He is Board Certified in Foot Surgery and also Phone: (201) 791-1881
PLASTIC SURGERY/ Board Certified in Reconstructive Rearfoot & E-mail: drrun@aol .com, robin .drrun@gmail .
RECONSTRUCTIVE Ankle Surgery by the American Board of Foot blank
and Ankle Surgery. He is Board Certified in
SURGERY Podiatric Orthopedics and Primary Podiatric Englewood, NJ
Medicine by the American Board of Podiatric Phone: (201) 791-1881
Medicine . E-mail: DrRun@aol .com, robin .drrun@gmail .
Seana Rutherford com
DNP, MSN, APRN, FNP-C, CWS, (Please see our complete listing under the blank Riverdale, NJ
following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
WCC Foot & Ankle) Phone: (201) 791-1881
Legal Wound Consulting LLC E-mail: DrRun@aol .com, robin .drrun@gmail .
Brooklyn, OH com
Phone: (216) 331-6750 (Please see our complete listing under the
E-mail: amber@lakeeffecthealth .com
following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
Foot & Ankle)
(Please see our resume on page 120 for further
82 Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness