Page 96 - ALMExperts 2024 Midwestern Directory
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Psychiatry ALM EXPERTS: Midwestern Edition 2024
Sanford I. Finkel, M.D.
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry Andrea Nelsen MD/MPH Dr. Erik B. Hysinger MD, MSCE
University of Chicago Medical Prior Lake, MN Cincinnati, OH
School Phone: (952) 500-1433 Phone: (513) 432-7302
Wilmette, IL E-mail: faapsych@gmail .com E-mail: erik .b .hysinger@gmail .com
Phone: (312) 263-0139
Cell: (847) 977-5044 (Please see our resume on page 119 for further (Please see our resume on page 116 for further
E-mail: [email protected], details.) details.)
sfinkel104@aol .com
(Please see our resume on page 115 for further PULMONARY TESTING RHEUMATOLOGY
Andrea Nelsen MD/MPH Dr. Erik B. Hysinger MD, MSCE David John, MD
Prior Lake, MN Cincinnati, OH Board-Certified in Rheumatology
Phone: (952) 500-1433 Phone: (513) 432-7302 and Internal Medicine
E-mail: faapsych@gmail .com E-mail: erik .b .hysinger@gmail .com
6436 Overbrook Road
(Please see our resume on page 119 for further (Please see our resume on page 116 for further Mission Hills, KS 66208
details.) details.) Phone: (808) 382-1307
E-mail: hidrjohn@aol .com
Degrees/Licenses: MD; Board-Certified in
PSYCHOLOGICAL PAIN & PULMONARY/ Rheumatology and Internal Medicine
Profile: David John, M .D . is an Assistant
Professor of Medicine at the University of
C. Raymond Lake, M.D., Ph.D. Dr. Erik B. Hysinger MD, MSCE Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine .
He is Boarded in both Internal Medicine
Kansas City, MO Cincinnati, OH and Rheumatology, with expertise in
Phone: (816) 678-4848 Phone: (513) 432-7302 rheumatologist disorders, autoimmune
E-mail: craylake@hotmail .com E-mail: erik .b .hysinger@gmail .com disease, fibromyalgia and many soft tissue
musculoskeletal problems . David John has
(Please see our resume on page 117 for further (Please see our resume on page 116 for further past and present experience in records review,
details.) details.) reports and expert witness testimony .
His Rheumatology fellowship was at the
PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY REACTIVE AIRWAYS University of Michigan Rackham Arthritis Unit
FUNCTION SYNDROME in Ann Arbor . That was followed by a long
private practice career in Honolulu before
Sanford I. Finkel, M.D. (RADS) accepting a position at the University of
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry Missouri . David John’s undergraduate major
was English Literature . He is, thus, articulate
University of Chicago Medical Dr. Erik B. Hysinger MD, MSCE and adept at writing as well as skilled at
School Cincinnati, OH grasping the “big picture” in complex medical
Wilmette, IL Phone: (513) 432-7302 scenarios .
Phone: (312) 263-0139 E-mail: erik .b .hysinger@gmail .com
Cell: (847) 977-5044
E-mail: [email protected], (Please see our resume on page 116 for further SEX OFFENDER RISK
sfinkel104@aol .com details.) ASSESSMENT
(Please see our resume on page 115 for further
details.) RESPIRATORY FAILURE C. Raymond Lake, M.D., Ph.D.
Kansas City, MO
PSYCHOTHERAPY Dr. Erik B. Hysinger MD, MSCE Phone: (816) 678-4848
E-mail: craylake@hotmail .com
Cincinnati, OH
Phone: (513) 432-7302 (Please see our resume on page 117 for further
Sanford I. Finkel, M.D. E-mail: erik .b .hysinger@gmail .com details.)
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry
University of Chicago Medical (Please see our resume on page 116 for further
School details.)
Wilmette, IL
Phone: (312) 263-0139
Cell: (847) 977-5044
E-mail: [email protected],
sfinkel104@aol .com
(Please see our resume on page 115 for further
84 Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness