Page 98 - ALMExperts 2024 Midwestern Directory
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Thoracic Surgery                                                ALM EXPERTS: Midwestern Edition 2024

            THORACIC SURGERY                        TRAUMA                     VASCULAR SURGERY

        Andrew J. Manganaro, MD, FACS,    Andrew J. Manganaro, MD, FACS,   Andrew J. Manganaro, MD, FACS,
        FACC                              FACC                             FACC
         Andrew J. Manganaro, MD, Inc.     Andrew J. Manganaro, MD, Inc.     Andrew J. Manganaro, MD, Inc.
         1821 Schnely Rd                   1821 Schnely Rd                   1821 Schnely Rd
         Xenia, OH 45385                   Xenia, OH 45385                   Xenia, OH 45385
         Phone: (937) 725-0003             Phone: (937) 725-0003             Phone: (937) 725-0003
         Fax: (937) 374-2319               Fax: (937) 374-2319               Fax: (937) 374-2319
         E-mail: amanga9280@aol .com       E-mail: amanga9280@aol .com       E-mail: amanga9280@aol .com

         Degrees/Licenses: MD; Licensed in OH, DE,   Degrees/Licenses: MD; Licensed in OH, DE,   Degrees/Licenses: MD; Licensed in OH, DE,
         IL, IN, IA, MI, NM, NY, WI, KS, CA  IL, IN, IA, MI, NM, NY, WI, KS, CA  IL, IN, IA, MI, NM, NY, WI, KS, CA
         Profile: I have been a board certified   Profile: I have been a board certified   Profile: I have been a board certified
         cardiothoracic and vascular surgeon for more   cardiothoracic and vascular surgeon for more   cardiothoracic and vascular surgeon for more
         than 25 years . I have experience in all areas   than 25 years . I have experience in all areas   than 25 years . I have experience in all areas
         of adult cardiac, vascular and thoracic surgery   of adult cardiac, vascular and thoracic surgery   of adult cardiac, vascular and thoracic surgery
         and have cared for more than 10,000 patients   and have cared for more than 10,000 patients   and have cared for more than 10,000 patients
         in my practice . My expertise includes cardiac,   in my practice . My expertise includes cardiac,   in my practice . My expertise includes cardiac,
         pulmonary, esophageal and trauma surgery   pulmonary, esophageal and trauma surgery   pulmonary, esophageal and trauma surgery
         as well as vascular and endovascular surgery .   as well as vascular and endovascular surgery .   as well as vascular and endovascular surgery .
         I have more than 20 years experience in   I have more than 20 years experience in   I have more than 20 years experience in
         medical expert opinions for both plaintiffs and   medical expert opinions for both plaintiffs and   medical expert opinions for both plaintiffs and
         defendants .                      defendants .                      defendants .

        (Please see our resume on page 118 for further   (Please see our resume on page 118 for further   (Please see our resume on page 118 for further
        details.)                         details.)                        details.)
                                          Kenneth “Kenny” Stein, MD
                    TOES                   Emergency Medicine, Critical
                                           Care Medicine, Internal Medicine
                                           & Personal Injury (Causation)
        Bruce E Williams, DPM              St . Louis, MO
         Foot Pain Expert Witness          Phone: (314) 495-7009
         Elmwood Park, IL                  E-mail: kennystein1@gmail .com
         Phone: (219) 510 3847
         E-mail: DrWilliams@footpainexpertwitness .  (Please see our resume on page 121 for further
         com                              details.)

        (Please see our complete listing under the
        following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   TRIAL COMPETENCE

            TOXIC INHALATIONS             C. Raymond Lake, M.D., Ph.D.
                                           Kansas City, MO
                                           Phone: (816) 678-4848
                                           E-mail: craylake@hotmail .com
        Dr. James C. Norris
         Expert Witness in Toxicology and   (Please see our resume on page 117 for further
         Pharmacology                     details.)
         Benton, AR
         Phone: (815) 955-5838
         E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net  UNDUE INFLUENCE
        (Please see our resume on page 106 for further
        details.)                         Sanford I. Finkel, M.D.
                                           Clinical Professor of Psychiatry
              TRACHEOSTOMY                 University of Chicago Medical
                                           Wilmette, IL
                                           Phone: (312) 263-0139
        Dr. Erik B. Hysinger MD, MSCE      Cell: (847) 977-5044
         Cincinnati, OH                    E-mail: [email protected],
         Phone: (513) 432-7302             sfinkel104@aol .com
         E-mail: erik .b .hysinger@gmail .com
                                          (Please see our resume on page 115 for further
        (Please see our resume on page 116 for further   details.)

        86                                                        Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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