Page 99 - ALMExperts 2024 Midwestern Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: Midwestern Edition 2024                                                  Wound Care

            Seana Rutherford                      WOUND ANALYSIS                      WOUND CARE
             DNP, MSN, APRN,
             FNP-C, CWS, WCC
             Legal Wound                     Andrew J. Manganaro, MD, FACS,    Seana Rutherford
             Consulting LLC                  FACC                               DNP, MSN, APRN,
                                               Andrew J. Manganaro, MD, Inc.
             7575 Northcliff Ave . #103                                         FNP-C, CWS, WCC
             Brooklyn, OH 44144                Xenia, OH                        Legal Wound
             Phone: (216) 331-6750             Phone: (937) 725-0003            Consulting LLC
             Fax: (216) 331-6751               E-mail: amanga9280@aol .com      7575 Northcliff Ave . #103
             E-mail: amber@lakeeffecthealth .com                                Brooklyn, OH 44144
             Web: http://www .lakeeffecthealth .com  (Please see our resume on page 118 for further   Phone: (216) 331-6750
                                                                                Fax: (216) 331-6751
             Degrees/Licenses: Doctor of Nursing                                E-mail: amber@lakeeffecthealth .com
             Practice, Ursuline College; Master of Science   Seana Rutherford   Web: http://www .lakeeffecthealth .com
             in Nursing, Ursuline College; Bachelor of   DNP, MSN, APRN, FNP-C, CWS,
             Science in Nursing, The University of Akron
                                               WCC                              Degrees/Licenses: Doctor of Nursing
             Profile: Seana Rutherford is a Nurse   Legal Wound Consulting LLC  Practice, Ursuline College; Master of Science
                                                                                in Nursing, Ursuline College; Bachelor of
             Practitioner whose specialties include: Wound   Brooklyn, OH       Science in Nursing, The University of Akron
             Care, pressure injuries, vascular wounds,   Phone: (216) 331-6750
             non-healing wounds, burns, atypical ulcer,   E-mail: amber@lakeeffecthealth .com  Profile: Seana Rutherford is a Nurse
             nursing homes, arterial ulcers, biologics,                         Practitioner whose specialties include: Wound
             osteomyelitis, diabetic ulcers, venous ulcers,   (Please see our resume on page 120 for further   Care, pressure injuries, vascular wounds,
             negative pressure wound therapy, wound   details.)                 non-healing wounds, burns, atypical ulcer,
             infection, decubitus ulcers, lymphedema,                           nursing homes, arterial ulcers, biologics,
             surgical wounds, and wound debridement   Jeffrey Stone D.O., MPH, FCCWS  osteomyelitis, diabetic ulcers, venous ulcers,
                                               Wound Care Consultants           negative pressure wound therapy, wound
             The founder of Legal Expert Wound Care                             infection, decubitus ulcers, lymphedema,
             Consultants, Seana has been a licensed nurse   Plano, TX           surgical wounds, and wound debridement
                                               Phone: (214) 265-9408
             for the past 15 years, and a working Nurse   E-mail: jstone@wound .com
             Practitioner since 2015 . Overseeing our team                      The founder of Legal Expert Wound Care
             of clinicians, Seana is distinctively qualified                    Consultants, Seana has been a licensed nurse
             as a Certified Wound Specialist under the   (Please see our complete listing under the   for the past 15 years, and a working Nurse
             American Board of Wound Management and   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   Practitioner since 2015 . Overseeing our team
             also has her Wound Care Certification under   Bedsores/Pressure Ulcers Prevention & Care)  of clinicians, Seana is distinctively qualified
             the National Alliance of Wound Care and                            as a Certified Wound Specialist under the
             Ostomy, where she is a Clinical Preceptor .                        American Board of Wound Management and
                                                                                also has her Wound Care Certification under
             Her experience is extensive across the                             the National Alliance of Wound Care and
             continuum of care with clinical experience                         Ostomy, where she is a Clinical Preceptor .
             in hospitals, home care, long-term care,
             and domiciliary care settings . As a Nurse                         Her experience is extensive across the
             Practitioner, Seana’s clinical practice                            continuum of care with clinical experience
             continues to be based in wound care today .                        in hospitals, home care, long-term care,
             She functions as a Nurse Practitioner treating                     and domiciliary care settings . As a Nurse
             both acute and chronic wounds in patients                          Practitioner, Seana’s clinical practice
             across the lifespan, primarily focused in the                      continues to be based in wound care today .
             long-term care setting . Her education, training,                  She functions as a Nurse Practitioner treating
             and experience have made her intently familiar                     both acute and chronic wounds in patients
             with the standards of care applicable to cases                     across the lifespan, primarily focused in the
             involving patient wound care management —                        long-term care setting . Her education, training,
             expertise that makes Seana invaluable to legal                     and experience have made her intently familiar
             teams that require the most recent evidence-                       with the standards of care applicable to cases
             based knowledge to determine if the standard                       involving patient wound care management —
             of care was met .                                                  expertise that makes Seana invaluable to legal
                                                                                teams that require the most recent evidence-  MEDICAL EXPERTS
            (Please see our resume on page 120 for further                      based knowledge to determine if the standard
            details.)                                                           of care was met .
                                                                               (Please see our resume on page 120 for further
               VIOLENCE/HOMICIDE                                               details.)

            C. Raymond Lake, M.D., Ph.D.
             Kansas City, MO
             Phone: (816) 678-4848
             E-mail: craylake@hotmail .com
            (Please see our resume on page 117 for further

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                              87
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