Legaltech News

Advocates Tout Greater Tech Usage When Exploring Non-Lawyer Ownership of Firms

To retain the multidisciplinary talent needed to solve clients' challenges, some say law firms need to allow more professionals without a law degree to have equity in firms. California, Utah, Arizona and now Illinois are working toward that.
4 minute read

Legaltech News

Firms Are (Slowly) Friending Social Media Professionals

The question of how effective firms are being with the social media efforts may largely come down to the manpower they are willing to put behind a keyboard, especially as clients become too busy for face-to-face networking.
4 minute read

The American Lawyer

Planning, Prioritization and Measurement Can Help Grow Your Business

Planning sounds formidable. But it doesn't have to be. It is an intentional process that gives you the ability to allocate resources appropriately and measure results.
8 minute read

Legaltech News

5 Challenges Facing Firms Trying to Boost Marketing With Tech

Thanks to technology, there are no shortage of channels for firms to get their message out into the world. But the real secret to wrangling new clientele may require a radical change in attitude as well as tech.
1 minute read

New York Law Journal

Master Media Relations To Be on Top of Your Game as a Litigator

Here are a few of the takeaways from our experience representing litigators and helping lawyers with their media efforts for the benefit of their clients.
8 minute read

The Law Firm Disrupted: Quinn Emanuel, Dead Trees and Bitcoins

The feared litigation firm is executing a strategy to reach potential clients whether they operate in traditional or non-traditional business sectors. Plus, signs of a shake-out in the litigation funding space.
6 minute read

The Recorder

Your Most Important Public Relations Habit: Getting Ahead of the News

Ever tried pitching a story about something that took place a few days ago, or a trend that's already been covered? It doesn't work out so well.
7 minute read

International Edition

The British Legal Awards 2019: Law Firm of the Year Shortlist Revealed

Six firms have been nominated for one of the evening's top awards.
4 minute read

New York Law Journal

New Report Reveals Opportunities for Improvement on Digital Marketing Strategy for Law Firms

In this Law Firm Marketing column, Jamie Diaferia and Jennifer Johnson Scalzi write: Not long ago, many legal marketing positions were filled by people who held various administrative roles in firms and transitioned into marketing roles with little to no formal training in the field. But that gap is clearly closing. Still, there is more work for law firms to do. That's particularly true in digital marketing.
6 minute read

The American Lawyer

Nixon Peabody Adds Marketing Chief as More Big Law CMO Vacancies Linger

With law firm CMO searches sometimes extending for more than a year, legal marketing experts say the long vacancies can cause damage.
4 minute read


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