Lean Adviser Legal

Lean Adviser Legal

September 22, 2023 | Lean Adviser

19. Does EQ Make Women Better Leaders?

Part 1 of the "Does EQ Make Women Better Leaders?" Series Emotional intelligence can be defined as skills people use to manage their own emotions wisely, to maximize their chances of influencing others constructively, and achieve their goals. Studies have shown that women are more naturally gifted with EQ than men. This first lesson in a series asks why that is.

By Lean Adviser Legal

3 minute read

September 13, 2023 | Lean Adviser

36. Let's All Comply With the Wrong Thing

The best type of compliance leads not just to transparency and accountability, but also to efficiency and effectiveness. Find those standards, imbue them into your business culture, and look forward to a lifetime of repeat business.

By Lean Adviser Legal

3 minute read

September 13, 2023 | Lean Adviser

Lean Law Outside Counsel Guidelines

Lean Adviser's Outside Counsel Guidelines clearly and succinctly describe the client service standards to which firms should aspire if they want repeat business.

By Lean Adviser Legal

1 minute read

September 08, 2023 | Lean Adviser

35. Let's Blame The Clients, That Always Ends Well

Associates blame partners for work-life balance issues, while partners push responsibility along to clients with their unreasonable expectations. This is a perfect reminder of the disconnect that still exists in the 3-sided legal market.

By Lean Adviser Legal

2 minute read

July 28, 2023 | Lean Adviser

38. Why Do Law Firms Provide Coffee?

As you grab your 1st coffee of the day, or maybe your 3rd, do you ever wonder why your law firm gives out free coffee? Is it for your well-being or even mental alertness? Is it by convention? Is it magnanimity? it's none of the above. It's all about perceived productivity. It's so you don't leave the office and go to the coffee shop across the street.

By Lean Adviser Legal

3 minute read

July 21, 2023 | Lean Adviser

25. GCs Have To Deal With a Growing Mix of Stakeholders, You Can Help

State of the Industry Part 6 GCs don't get paid any more, however many stakeholders they support or however many hours in the day, evening, or a weekend it takes to do so.

By Lean Adviser Legal

3 minute read

July 14, 2023 | Lean Adviser

24. Your Clients Are Worried About Your Data Privacy and Cybersecurity

State of the Industry Part 5 Law firms store information about their corporate clients. This can include trade secrets, banking and financial data, information on their suppliers and customers. All of this can be highly sought after by bad actors.

By Lean Adviser Legal

3 minute read

July 07, 2023 | Lean Adviser

18. There's No Loyalty Among Clients, Nor Should There Be

It is well-documented that clients are unhappy with law firms. The reverse is also true. Law firms complain bitterly about lack of loyalty from clients. They're right, there is none. Nor should there be. In an era of panel reductions, there are plenty of things law firms can do to avoid the cut, but praying for loyalty isn't one of them.

By Lean Adviser Legal

3 minute read

June 30, 2023 | Lean Adviser

23. How to Balance a GC's Ever-Changing Demands

State of the Industry Part 4 The reason in house departments keep saying they have it tough is because they do. For outside counsel, this presents an opportunity, and it's not one addressed with courtside seats. You have to pay close attention, ask the right questions and respond.

By Lean Adviser Legal

2 minute read

June 23, 2023 | Lean Adviser

22. Global Regulatory Compliance Is A Huge Problem for GCs - And You Too

State of the Industry Part 3 GCs are faced with a tsunami of new regulations from regulators and agencies all over the map. To the board, it's the GC's job to understand the operating environment and keep the company on the right side of regulators. How hard can that be? Incredibly hard.

By Lean Adviser Legal

2 minute read