Lean Adviser Legal

Lean Adviser Legal

January 05, 2024 | Lean Adviser

25. Transitioning from Student to Associate: Raise Bills or Raise Eyebrows

It's not just how smart you are, how much you know, or even how hard you work. It's how you work. Methods matter. If you can learn to practice law the way that work-givers want, you'll become their go-to resource.

By Lean Adviser Legal

3 minute read

December 15, 2023 | Lean Adviser

34. Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Who's the Most Productive of Them All?

Yes, friends, it's that time of the year again, it's self-evaluation season. Bear in mind that your document is going to a compensation committee. So take note of the Lean Adviser method; plan before you execute, make it user friendly and keep it lean. Your goal is to present real facts, in an interesting way, ideally as a story.

By Lean Adviser Legal

3 minute read

December 08, 2023 | Lean Adviser

33. Client Retention Is A Piece of Cake, Just Don't Blow It.

If the client is a substantial enterprise in the world of business, they will likely have a steady stream of similar challenges and problems. All of these will come your way to solve, provided of course you don't blow it. Getting repeat business is easy and so is blowing it. The difference is how you do the work.

By Lean Adviser Legal

3 minute read

December 01, 2023 | Lean Adviser

32. Traditional Biz Dev Methods Are Fine, Just Not Enough

Clients hear from plenty of lawyers who are interested in getting a new assignment. What they don't hear enough about is lawyers who are interested in them and their problems. Throw in a concern for clear communications, collaborative planning and structured legal operations, and you become a cherished rarity.

By Lean Adviser Legal

3 minute read

November 17, 2023 | Lean Adviser

31. Biz Dev Much? If So, You Might Need Help

Better communications, collaborative planning and structured legal work all come as standard, and these basic staples go a long way to addressing the disconnects that exist between what clients want and what attorneys deliver.

By Lean Adviser Legal

2 minute read

November 09, 2023 | Lean Adviser

30. The Problem With Clients Isn't That They Don't Understand Big Law, It's That They Do

One of the comforting lies that law firms like to tell themselves, is that the problem with clients is they don't understand how Big Law works. Any law firm who says this — or even thinks it — has the whole thing backwards. Clients understand Big Law perfectly well.

By Lean Adviser Legal

3 minute read

November 03, 2023 | Lean Adviser

25. Why the Muscular Mindset Is the Enemy of Business Development

Anybody can win a new client — and also lose one. Sustainability isn't about getting new clients through the door, it's about getting repeat business from existing clients. Therein lies the difference between client churn and client loyalty. It's what separates lawyers who have a good year from those who have a good book.

By Lean Adviser Legal

3 minute read

October 27, 2023 | Lean Adviser

24. EQ Was On Full Display At  WIPL

One of the recurring themes was how the practice of law is ultimately about people, and how EQ can be the secret sauce to elevate both leadership and client service.

By Lean Adviser Legal

2 minute read

October 20, 2023 | Lean Adviser

23. GC Pay Is Improving, But It's Still Mission Impossible

Whatever job the GC did before, the transition to GC is an unfathomable leap for which there is no training. Many of the job specs which boards give to recruiters now look like mission impossible.

By Lean Adviser Legal

3 minute read

October 13, 2023 | Lean Adviser

22. Is Emotional Intelligence Disruptive or Directional?

Part 4 of the "Does EQ Make Women Better Leaders?" Series Like any other aspect of diversity, or pro bono, or ESG, EQ's attributes interrupt the way law firms and departments operate, but in a good way, a directional way. They advance the profession.

By Lean Adviser Legal

2 minute read