Lean Adviser Legal

Lean Adviser Legal

February 25, 2021 | Lean Adviser

9. Law Firms Should Understand the 2021 Budgeting Challenges of their Clients

Consider the unique challenges clients are facing around managing budgets in a particularly difficult year. This lesson is intended to give you a peek behind the curtain at those challenges and suggest how outside counsel can help.

By Phillip Bantz

7 minute read

February 25, 2021 | Lean Adviser

8. Avoid Routine Avoidable Errors by Avoiding 'Adequacy'

The cost of adequacy can be silent disdain — and no repeat business. A lawyer with talent can always do a better job with the benefit of a process to apply it effectively, efficiently and with transparency.

By Lean Adviser Legal

4 minute read

March 24, 2020 | Lean Adviser

How to Involve Your Client in Planning: Law Firm Perspective

A legal project should be a contact sport—the lawyer needs to involve the client.

By Lean Adviser Legal

4 minute read

March 24, 2020 | Lean Adviser

Viewing a Legal Project From the Observation Deck: Law Firm Perspective

The business of examining progress should be done in a disciplined way with formal reviews at key intervals.

By Lean Adviser Legal

3 minute read

February 21, 2020 | Lean Adviser

Lawyers Should Be Outcome-Driven: In-House Perspective

From the inhouse leader perspective, what does being outcome-driven mean? The expectation is that law firms should engage with the end goal in mind and…

By Lean Adviser Legal

7 minute read

February 21, 2020 | Lean Adviser

How to Monitor a Legal Project: In-House Perspective

Planning a project lets you see where the milestones are, how long it should take to get to each one and what resources should have been consumed at each…

By Lean Adviser Legal

5 minute read

February 21, 2020 | Lean Adviser

When Things Don't Go According to Plan: In-House Perspective

In many cases, things don't go according to plan. If a legal project is beset by something unexpected, correction will depend on how quickly the problem…

By Lean Adviser Legal

3 minute read

February 21, 2020 | Lean Adviser

Viewing a Legal Project From the Observation Deck: In-House Perspective

We all know things rarely go according to plan, and part of monitoring a project is being able to see when things might be headed off the rails. Clients…

By Lean Adviser Legal

6 minute read

February 21, 2020 | Lean Adviser

10 Questions to Ask Your Client at a Kick-Off Meeting: In-House Perspective

We know how important it is to hold a kick-off meeting with your client and suggested some questions to bring along. So let's also hear from the client…

By Lean Adviser Legal

3 minute read

February 21, 2020 | Lean Adviser

How to Make an Initial Determination of Client Needs: In-House Perspective

At the start of a lean transactional relationship, it is important to find out what the client needs. Part of that is determining the scope and parameters of the matter at hand, as well as the relationship with the client. Much of that can be determined during the initial meeting with the client.

By Lean Adviser Legal

4 minute read